hoshi - injury

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word count : 809


"you want to run it by yourself?" hoshi asked you, "or should we get something to eat first? i'm getting hungry," he asked, patting his stomach.

"let me try to run it by myself," you answered and quickly fixed your knee brace that had moved around.

hoshi nodded and started playing the music.

you danced with the music, making a few tiny mistakes along the way but that was to be expected. after the two minutes of dancing, hoshi stopped the music.

"that was pretty good, just a few mistakes happened," he said to you and stood up. "this part, you should do it like this," he said, correctly one of the moves. you copied him and he nodded. "and then this part, make sure to shift your weight. it'll be easier to move that way," he said and you nodded in understanding.

hoshi helped you with the mistakes you made, but a few minutes passed by and his stomach rumbled in hunger. both of you looked at each other in the mirror and laughed.

"i think it's time for dinner," you said to him.

he nodded, "definitely."

"oh, can we record this? so i can reference something when i can't meet up with you?" you asked him.

"yea, for sure. i'll dance to the rest of the choreography too. i got it all figured out," he mentioned.

you grabbed your phone and set it up to record the two of you dancing. hoshi turned on the music again, restarting the song, and both of you got ready to dance.

once the song got to the right place, you two danced with the song. you watched hoshi as he danced and watched some of the details he added. then, everything you knew ended, and you watched hoshi continue to dance.

you watched in awe at him dancing to the new choreography, finding it fascinating to watch. he finished the choreography and you clapped for him while walking across the room to grab your phone. hoshi turned the music off, and you stopped the recording.

"you looked so cool," you said to him.

he smiled, "you're too nice, y/n."

"but you really do look cool when you dance," you said, "i wish i could be in seventeen just to learn your routines."

hoshi picked up his backpack and turned the sound system off. "once you do your audition, then i can teach you something. "hot" or "rock with you," you name it," he offered, "but first i need to finish teaching you this."

"sounds like a plan to me," you said and grabbed your backpack from against the mirror. "so, what do you want to eat? my treat."

"not really sure. wanna just by something on the street?" he asked. you nodded in agreement as you grabbed your water bottle from a pocket on your backpack.

you two left the practice room, turning the lights off and closing the door behind you two.

"oh, we should—"

with a single step towards the elevators at one of the ends of the hall, you slipped on the floor and fell knee first into the ground.

"fuck," you groaned, pushing yourself up.

"did you really not notice the "caution: wet floor" sign?" hoshi immediately asked. you looked and saw the yellow sign laying on the ground, presumably there because you knocked it over. "you okay?" he asked, him knowing that your knee had been bothering you during your practice session.

"that hurt, like my knee really hurts now," you said as you moved so you weren't on the wet floor that had been mopped. you noticed a worker with headphones on at the other end of the hall; jamming to whatever they were listening to.

he gently put his hands on your leg and tried to strengthened your leg, but you winced in slight pain.

"i'll be fine in a minute," you said to him.

"uh huh? yea right," he replied. "how about i bring you home? we can order takeout and just chill at your place."

"my house is far away, you know that," you said to him.

"i have nothing better to do tonight. besides, we're both hungry and i'm gonna ask for food when we get to your place anyways," he said with a laugh.

you sighed, "okay, okay. let's go," you said and he helped you get up from the ground.

"here," he said, suddenly moving his backpack to his front and kneeling beside you, "go on my back," he instructed.

"huh? why? i can walk," you replied to him.

"just do it. you shouldn't move too much because of your knee," he said.

you got onto hoshi's back, and he lifted your up with ease.

"charge!" he suddenly exclaimed, running down the hall that was dry and leaving you laughing as you headed out of the building.

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