mingyu - late night

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word count : 513


"nice," you spoke when someone covered you and killed a player on the opposing team, "thanks."

"who's the kid standing on the balcony? get the hell down!" someone yelled, which almost made you take your headphones off due to their volume.

you lifted your hand up and covered your microphone, "did you figure out any of the controls?" you asked your boyfriend, who was sitting at the desk next to yours.


you laughed and removed your hand, continuing to play the round before winning.

you made sure you were muted before taking your headphones off. you looked at mingyu, who was sitting back in his chair with his arms crossed together.

"told ya this game was different," you said to him. "want to call it for tonight?" you asked him.

"yea, sure," mingyu replied and logged out the game.

you did the same, making sure to say goodbye to your teammates before logging out. you closed out of the open tabs and turned your computer monitor off.

mingyu had already gotten up and went into the bathroom. you joined him and both of you started getting ready for bed.

"i don't get how that game is easy. the controls are too weird for the games we usual play," mingyu commented as he cleaned his toothbrush after brushing his teeth.

"it's cause there's less actions, therefore, less button combinations to press," you replied, your voice a bit muffled since you were still brushing your teeth. you stepped aside so mingyu could wash his face.

both of you finished getting ready for bed while talking about video games.

"you look comfy," you commented as you looked at mingyu, who had already gotten into bed while you were finishing your skin care routine.

"cause i am comfy," he replied and you laughed. you got into bed next to him, laying down and wrapped your arm around his torso. "you know that we're gonna be tired in the morning, right?" he asked you.


"you should stop staying up so late," he suggested.

you rolled your eyes at his suggestion, "says the person that stayed up and played video games with me," you replied. "turn the lamp off," you instructed him.

mingyu reached over and turned the lamp off, leaving his computer monitor the one thing barely illuminating the room.

"should we set an alarm? if we don't show up, s.coups will be mad at us," you asked mingyu.

"it's just breakfast. we always have time to eat with them another time," he replied and shifted a bit.

"so you want to make s.coups mad?" you asked him, tiling your head up to look at face.

mingyu pressed his lips together but then his computer monitor turned off, so you couldn't really see his face anything.



you got closer to him and closed your eyes. you felt mingyu kiss your forehead.

"so are you gonna set the alarm?" you asked him.

he sighed, "yea," he replied before reaching over to grab his phone off of his desk, which was right next to your bed.

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