seveteen - performance

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word count : 898


"woah, look at them," one of your friends commented as you watched the next group take the stage.

"they're so handsome," another friend ogled.

"close your mouth, woman," you said and tipped your friend's mouths closed.

"oh come on, y/n, even you think they're hot," one of the guys spoke after doing some jumping jacks. you rolled your eyes at his comment and shook your head.

"that guy is mine," one of your friends said as she pointed to one of the guys dancing on stage.

"guys, we're here to perform, not trying to play matchmaker and get dates," one of the older guys spoke as he helped someone stretch. "stay warm, we don't want something to go wrong," he said to all of you.

then, someone bumped into you from behind, making you take a few steps forward. you turned around and saw a group of guys walk by. "sorry!" one of them apologized as they walked away, almost all of them smiling as they walked. you rolled your eyes and looked forward.

"y/n! get his number!" one of your friends yelled and stopped stretching. she grabbed your shoulders, "get his number," she intensely repeated as she stared at you.

"bestie, we got a competition to win first," you said to her before picking up your bottle of water. you took a sip of water and resumed warming up.

after some time, it was your group's time to perform. the crowd was hyping you up as you guys got onto the stage. you walked to your starting spot and the lights dimmed in the venue you were in.

the music and lights turned on and your routine went into full swing. the crowd continued hyping your group up while the performance continued.

you ran to one spot just as a stunt was about to happen. you waited behind someone, but all of a sudden, you felt something fall on top on you.



you opened your eyes and found yourself in a different room.

"y/n!" one of your friends exclaimed. "are you okay? are you in pain?" he asked.

"what happened?" you asked, sitting up on the bed that you were on.

"the second stunt messed up," he answered, "for you head," he added and handed you an ice pack. "i'm gonna tell everyone you're awake," he mentioned and you nodded.

you watched your friend head to the door and open it. he left the room, and before the door closed, a familiar face walked into the room.

"you okay?" your boyfriend immediately asked as he walked over to you. he pulled a stool up and sat down. he was clearly worried and held your free hand.

you nodded, "heard i have a bump on my head," you said and placed the ice pack against the back on your head, wincing at the pain you felt.

"me and the guys saw it happen. i think someone pushed someone too much and it caused that girl doing the cool trick to fall on top you," he explained. "i wanted to run up there right away, but your friends were helping you," he mentioned.

"hey, you're here now at least," you said and smiled at him. "did you and the guys perform?" you asked.

your boyfriend nodded, "yep, we did. the awards are probably going to happen soon. do you want to go watch?" he asked.



after making sure you were good to go by the medical staff, you exited the room and walked with your boyfriend. he informed you that your team got to perform again just without you since you were knocked out.

"y/n!" you heard one of your friends call your name.

you turned around and saw some of your crew hurrying towards you.

"are you okay?"

"thank god you're awake now."

"guess we have some cleaning to do before the next competition," you said to them as you conversed.

"hey, wait a minute," one of your friends looked at your boyfriend, who had stepped away when your friends gathered around you, "you're in that group of hot guys!" she exclaimed, "you were the one who bumped into her!" she added and looked at you, "you're dating someone? you're dating him?" she yelled, grabbing your shoulders.

"hey, can you hook me up with someone?" another friend asked.

"guys," you sighed and shook your head, "i'll tell you another time. let's go watch awards," you said to them.

"bestie, you better tell us everything," one of your friends said before walking away with part of your team. all of them walking towards the competition area.

you sighed, but then you felt yourself swaying from fatigue. you felt your boyfriend wrap his arm around your waist.

"you okay?" he asked.

you nodded while leaning into him, "yea, just tired."

"how about we sit here instead?" he asked, pointing to the bench that was in the hallway. "we can hear everything from here. the guys know i'm with you, so it's fine if i stay with you," he mentioned.

"sure," you replied and both you walked over and sat down, your boyfriend still wrapping his arm around you. "love you," you said to him as your head rested against his arm.

"love you too, y/n," he replied and you two listened to the awards announcements that were occurring in the next room.

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