s.coups - puppy love

937 52 3

word count : 528


"babe, i found it! you wouldn't believe it, but i checked after work and it was in my car!" you announce while walking into your boyfriend's apartment.

while entering, you start to hear barking and immediately become confused. the barking doesn't sound like kkuma, so you are really confused. suddenly, a dog runs out of the living room and up to you.

"seungcheol? why is there another dog here?" you ask your boyfriend.

receiving no response, you go into the living room with the dog following you. in the living room, you see your boyfriend being tackled by three other dogs.

"oh my gosh."

"oh, hey baby," seungcheol greets you when he finally can. "hey, stop it already!" he shouts while laughing at the dogs that are with him.

the dog that is with you runs in circles around you before going up to seungcheol and the other dogs, joining in the fun. you throw everything you are carrying onto a table and look around for kkuma.

"where's kkuma?" you ask.

"at the vet with my brother," seungcheol answers. "hey! don't chew on that!" he shouts at a dog that is chewing on a small pillow.

you start playing with them. "so why are there dogs here?" you ask while playing tug-a-war with one of the dogs.

"my brother said his friend needed someone to watch them for a bit, so he volunteered," your boyfriend answers as you scoot over to sit next to him on the floor.

you raise an eyebrow at him, "and yet you were roped into watching them?" you reply.

"i mean, they're pretty cute, don't you think?" seungcheol replies as one of them climbs up to lick his face. "hey!"

"so how long are we going to be watching them for?" you ask.

"just another few hours," seungcheol answers. "you should go into the room if you want to get work done. they're too energetic right now."

"i'll play for a little bit longer or until your brother gets back," you say to him and get up. "come on, come over here!" you say and the dogs start following after you, chasing you around the living room. "oh, all of you are so adorable," you say before going back to seungcheol. "you're adorable too," you say to him and kiss him.

"i'm handsome," he corrects you right before the dogs climb over you two. "hey! i'm trying to have a moment with my girl," he says to the dogs.

you laugh. seungcheol throws a few toys around and the dogs run around again.

"should we get another?" you ask him.

"another dog?" seungcheol asks.

"yea, it'd be fun," you say to him.

"i don't know if kkuma will play nice with another dog," seungcheol says to you as he throws another toy. "maybe—hey! hey! stop licking me!"

you laugh and kiss the top of seungcheol's head. "okay, you get to keep playing with them. i do have a big girl job and need to get my article done," you say to him. "have fun with the kiddos!" you get up and leave seungcheol to fend for himself against the dogs.

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