woozi - rehearsal

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word count : 566


"watch the footwork, it's messy," you commented as you watched the group go through the choreography. "we'll need to change the spots here," you said to your assistant, who was sitting next to you.

"got it," she replied and wrote in a notebook next to you.

"let's run the whole thing," you announced. then, you noticed the door open and started to see seventeen walk into the room. "make sure to remember the new spots and the fixed eight count," you said to them while standing up.

the dancers got ready to dance again, and someone turned the music on. you watched them dance and danced with them during the new section of choreography you had taught them earlier. you stopped a few times and marked the dance while watching them through the mirror.

"keep it clean. you need to be synchronized," you commented. "watch your spacing in the back. good. good, keep it up."

the dancers finished the section of new choreography, and you signaled for the music to end. the music turned off, and you looked at the dancers through the mirror.

"make sure that in this eight count, you guys really emphasize your arm movements," you said to the dancers while demonstrating the part you were talking about. "you guys are doing great," you complimented them before smiling. "take a break. we'll start learning new stuff at three with seventeen and piece together some of the other stuff."

the dancers scattered while you went to your assistant and talked to her about some changes. after a short discussion, you looked around the room and saw woozi warming up a tiny bit. you walked over to him, and he noticed you walking over to him.

"ready to learn new stuff?" you asked him.

"not really, heard that the choreographer is tough."

you laughed at his response, "so true. she is tough," you replied. "it isn't that hard. you guys will be fine."

"that's what you said last time and almost killed us," dino says, joining in the conversation from his spot on the floor.

"and you're welcome for getting that best performance award," you replied to the youngest member, before pushing his head. "but seriously, it's not that hard," you repeated.

you let the guys get warmed up while you went through some notes with your assistants. then, you turned the music on and started going through the choreography you had created for another section of the performance.

"y/n, are we keeping the extra minute?" your assistant asked you, hearing a part of the song in the track you were playing.

"we should be keeping it, but we aren't going through that section today. i'll talk to them about it," you answered her, "there's a meeting tomorrow morning, right?" you asked.

she nodded, "mhm."

"yea, we'll just check tomorrow then," you said to her.

then, woozi walked over to you, and you turned to face him.

"what's up?" you asked him.

"nothing, just wanted to be with you," he replied. "i remember you playing this on repeat the other night," he recalled.

you smiled, "i came up with all of the choreography that night. i hope it's good enough," you said with a laugh. "ready to dance?"

"will you take it easy on me?" he asked.

"hell no. you can handle it," you replied before laughing and hugging him. "love ya."

"love you."

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