jun - royalty

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word count : 616


"your highness, prince junhui is here to see you," one of the servants mentioned while standing in the entranceway.

you looked up from your book to look at the servant. "you can tell him to come here," you said to her.

the servant bowed before leaving. you returned to reading your book, turning to the next page.

you were sitting in the garden in your home, the castle of your town. the season had brought beautiful flowers out and about for everyone who ventured to the castle to enjoy for themselves.

you had been reading all day since after breakfast, enjoying a book that your boyfriend had bought for you.

while continuing to read, you heard footsteps walking closer and closer to you. you glanced up for a second to see your boyfriend walking up to you and smiled, closing and setting the book down beside you.

"hello there," you spoke as jun approached you.

"hi," he greeted you. "are you enjoying the book?" he asked and sat down next to you.

you nodded, "i am," you answered. "when did you get here? you should've told me you were coming here."

"my father is here to meet with your father in regards to the security for the wedding. i tagged along last minute so i could come see you," jun replied and kissed your forehead.

the wedding he mentioned was for the marriage between a highly respected person from his kingdom that wasn't in the royal family to your older sister. their wedding was scheduled to occur in three weeks.

"it's going to be held here, right?" he asked, mentioning to the garden you two were in.

you nodded, "yes, it will. the gardeners and other helpers will start decorating soon. i overheard some of the plans for the decorations for the wedding. it'll be quite beautiful."

"yea, i can't wait to see it in person," he replied. "would you like me to bring you more books the next time i see you? i've read one lately that you would probably enjoy," he asked you and put the book you were reading earlier onto his lap.

"if you don't mind me borrowing your own books. i plan on going to my favorite merchant once i finish this one," you said, putting your hand on your book and patting it twice. "did you read this one?" you asked.

he nodded and smiled, "i bought myself a copy and read it within a few days. interesting, isn't it?" he asked.

"it is, but you buying it for me makes me love it even more," you replied to him. "i brought the other books you got me out as well," you mentioned and picked up the two other books that were sitting in the table next to you. "i didn't have anything to do so i figured that i could at least start one of these later," you added. "would you like to go inside?" you asked him, unsure of what he wanted to do.

he shook his head, "let's stay out here. you can continue reading if you want," he said, handing back your book.

"are you sure? we can do something else instead," you responded.

"i don't mind," he replied, "i can read one of these while you finish that one. you're almost done anyway." he grabbed one of the two other books, "maybe we can go walk around after you're done," he suggested.

you nodded in response, "okay."

the two of you started reading the books and enjoying each other's company in your castle's garden together. after some time, you leaned your head on jun's shoulder and he responded by kissing the top of your head.

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