vernon - decorate

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word count : 541


"y/n, i think you're being ridiculous with the decorations," vernon spoke to you from behind.

"no i'm not," you replied and turned around to look at him. you were standing on a chair and had some silver tinsel streamers in your hands.

"okay, maybe a little," he replied.


vernon laughed, "i'll go look for those ornaments you wanted," he said before leaving the room, still chuckling at you. you continued decorating the christmas tree with the decorations you had available, but not before taking the first batch of cookies out of the oven.


"did you find the box?" you asked vernon when you heard him walk back into the house.

"yea, it was behind another box of decorations. we really need to put everything in a storage locker or something," he replied and walked into the living room with a cardboard box in his arms. "oh, the decorations look nice," he commented.

"yea," you smiled and looked back at him. vernon set the box down on the coffee table and opened it. "are they in there?" you asked, wondering if that was the box that had certain ornaments in them.

"let's see..." vernon opened the box and immediately nodded, "yea. which ones did you want?" he asked you.

you stepped down from the chair that you had been standing on and joined vernon at the coffee table. you looked inside the box and took out some of the ornaments that were wrapped up in small pieces of bubble wrap.

"do you think we have enough room? we already put most of the ornaments up," you said to him and looked at the christmas tree.

"we can squeeze in a few," vernon said and unwrapped one of the fragile ornaments from its bubble wrap protection. he gave you the ornament and you climbed back onto the chair. "careful," he said to you. you felt him hold you by your waist as you placed the ornament onto a branch.

"hand me another. i can place one here," you instructed him and felt him let one hand down from your waist.

"here," vernon spoke and you turned back to see an ornament in his hand.

you took the ornament, and vernon returned his hand to your hip. you continued adjusting the ornaments on the tree and placing more when needed.


"okay, i think we're done," you said to vernon and stepped off of the chair.

"it looks good," he commented, crossing his arms while looking at the decorated tree. you nodded in agreement, "should we start cooking dinner? the guys will be soon to watch the game," he asked you, checking the time on his phone.

"yea, i'll go start. put the boxes in the guest room," you instructed and he nodded.

you went to the kitchen and started preparing and cooking dinner for everyone that was coming over, aka the guys.

"hey babe?" vernon called for you once he walked back into the kitchen.

"what's up?" you asked him. you looked over, and he leaned in to kiss your cheek. "love you."

"love you too, babe," he said and kissed you again.

all of a sudden, the doorbell rang and someone knocked on the door. "vernon! let us in! it's cold!"

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