dino - birthday

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word count : 352


"y/n, wake up~"

you grumbled in your sleep, upset that your previous sleeping time was ruined.

"what?" you groggily spoke. your voice sounded like you hadn't drank water in ten years, which was probably true.

"wake up."

you slowly opened your eyes and saw your boyfriend sitting on the edge of your side of the bed. he was still wearing his pajamas, but your mind disregarded the apron he was wearing on top of his clothes.

"why are you awake? it's so early," you whined and turned away from him, pulling the blanket over your shoulders.

you heard him chuckle, "i made breakfast! let's go eat," he said to you. he pulled the blanket off of you and pulled you up.


dino, being the loving boyfriend he is, decided to pick you up. you just let him do whatever since you were too tired to care at that moment. he brought you out of the room and downstairs.

"can you stand?" he asked. you nodded and he let you down.

you rubbed your eyes and smelt something good from the kitchen. when you turned around, you saw breakfast on the kitchen table and looked back at dino.

"what's this?" you asked him.

he kissed your forehead, "happy birthday, y/n," he said with one of the biggest smiles that you have ever seen on his face.

you hugged him tight. "you're the best," you complimented him.

"do you want to eat on the couch? we could watch something," he asked.

"if you want to," you replied.

"today's your day, baby. you choose," he said and pecked your forehead, "but choose quick cause everything's gonna get cold if we just stand here hugging."

"couch," you answered and he nodded.

you two moved all of the food and drinks into the living room.

"does everything taste good?" he asked.

"everything is amazing," you replied with a big smile on your face. "are there any other surprises?"

"i can't tell you that," dino replied before taking a sip of orange juice.

"what? why?"

"cause then it wouldn't be a surprise, silly!" he answered.

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