jeonghan - late night

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word count : 695


the elevator opened and you exited it along with some other employees. you covered your mouth before yawning, ready to go home and get some sleep for the night.

you quickly checked your phone to see if you got any text messages or phone calls but remembered that your phone was dead. you put your phone back in your bag before exiting the building.

"thanks," you said to a guy, who had held the door for you.

"no problem," the guy said to you.

you headed towards the end of the block in order to go home but stopped barely in front of your workplace when you saw your husband standing by a telephone pole.

"jeonghan?" you called out to him.

he turned around and walked up to you, a smile on his face. he hugged you tight, "i was wondering when you were gonna come out of there," he said to you. "you didn't answer any of my calls, and i didn't know when you were coming home."

"sorry," you apologized, "my phone died earlier, and i had a lot to do so i didn't charge it."

he chuckled once, "you always forget to charge it." he brushed some of your hair back, "ready to go home?" he asked. you nodded and he took your hand into his before starting to walk away from your office building. "how much paperwork did you have to do?"

"more than usual, that's for sure," you said as you two crossed the street. "i almost kept falling asleep because i was looking over the same documents over and over and over," you mentioned before sighing, "now i'm so sleepy."

"can you stay awake to eat dinner? i started prepping everything for dinner," he asked, squeezing your hand.

"for food made by you? of course," you replied with a smile.

about twenty minutes later and you two made it to your shared house.

"do you want to go shower? i'll go cook," jeonghan said to you as he took his jacket off.

you nodded and slipped your shoes off, leaving them by the shoe rack. you rubbed your eyes before heading to the bathroom that was in your bedroom. you turned on the shower and waited for the water to heat up before getting in.

once you were done showering, you turned the shower off and got out. you wrapped a towel around you and went into the bedroom, where you found jeonghan changing into a different t-shirt.

"can i wear one of your t-shirts?" you asked him.

he turned around and chuckled, "you don't need to ask," he said to you and fixed his shirt. "living room or kitchen?" he asked while you opened a drawer.

"living room," you answered as you took one of his shirts out.

"you got it," he replied and left the room.

you changed into the shirt you picked out and a pair of gray shorts. you used the towel to dry your hair as much as you could before exiting the room.

you walked into the kitchen just as jeonghan was bringing bowls to the living room. you followed him into the living room and he sat down on the couch.

"oh, i got you a surprise," he mentioned before putting the howls of food down. he stood up again and went into the kitchen.

"what is it?" you asked, watching him move around.

"it's not a surprise if you know what it is!" he replied as he opened the fridge. he looked at you, "close your eyes."


"just close them," he said. you sat down on the couch and closed your eyes, covering them with your hands. you heard the door to the fridge close and heard jeonghan walk toward you. "okay, open," he instructed you.

you removed your hands and opened your eyes. in jeonghan's hand was a light yellow box with a logo of a cupcake company in town, specifically, your favorite dessert.

"no you didn't," you spoke in disbelief while jeonghan just smiled. you got up and hugged him, "you're the best."

"anything for you," he replied and kissed you. "love you."

"love you, jeonghan."

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