s.coups - argument

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word count : 588


"no, you're not listening to me! it was just for two seconds, and my manager wanted us to have the photo taken," you yelled at s.coups over the phone.

"it sure didn't seem like that. he's been texting you, right? he must really want to see you again," s.coups said to you. you could hear him walking around somewhere, probably in between schedules. you heard him mutter a quiet "excuse me" at one point.

"it isn't like that! how many times do i have to tell you? i don't even question it when girls are all over you at fan signings or concerts and all that," you said to him, sitting down on the couch when you felt your head start to hurt. "i'm not arguing about this anymore. bye."

you ended the call without hearing him reply back to you and lightly tossed your phone down on the side table.

you and seungcheol had argued about some photos that went viral overnight after an award show from a few days ago. the show was broadcasted last night, and the internet decided to blow up with posts and articles. the photos were of you and an actor from a show you had starred in, and the two of you were standing pretty close together. plus, he had wrapped his arm around your waist when his manager told him to do so despite knowing your relationship status.

you laid down on the couch, slightly groaning at your growing headache. you heard your phone buzz but decided to take a nap since you never get to. you closed your eyes and adjusted yourself so you were laying on your side.


what felt like a few hours later, you opened your eyes when you heard sizzling from the kitchen.

you lifted yourself up a little and looked over your shoulder to see who was in the kitchen. you noticed s.coups standing at the stove.

"seungcheol?" you spoke up in confusion. all of a sudden, you rolled off of the couch and landed onto the floor, groaning, "fucking..." you sighed and got yourself up.

"y/n? you okay?"

"yea, i'm fine," you replied, noticing that a blanket had fallen with you. you stood up with the blanket in hand, tossing it onto the couch.

you walked into the kitchen and saw seungcheol peek over to look at you a couple of times while keeping an eye on the food he was cooking.

"when did you come home?" you asked him.

"just an hour ago," he answered, "you were fast asleep."

"i got a headache," you mentioned.

"is it gone now?" he asked, peeking over to look at you in concern. you nodded and he turned back, "that's good. food's almost done. want me to make tea?"

"i'll just drink water."

the two of stayed silent as he finished cooking up dinner. he plated everything and put everything on the dinner table. the two of you sat across from each other and started eating.

"sorry about earlier," s.coups apologized.

"i'm sorry too. i shouldn't have yelled at you."

"you had every reason to yell at me," he replied, playing with his food with his chopsticks. "can we just make up with some ice cream and a show?" he mumbled.

"we should go get those ice cream bars from nearby," you replied and you reached in to kiss his forehead. s.coups looked up at you, "let's go, mister jealous."

"i don't like that."

"then i don't forgive you."

"wait wait wait, okay let's go."

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