jun - sweater

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word count : 1,194


you stood in front of your best friend's dorm, hoping he was awake and would answer the door. you knocked again, not knowing what else to do.

suddenly, the door swung open, "who is it?" jun asked in annoyance, but his demeanor changed when he saw you standing there. "y/n? what's wrong?" he immediately asked.

"he..." you couldn't even speak from how upset you were.

"come in here," he said and pulled you in, closing and locking the door.

his dorm was smaller than yours but there was still a lot of space. underneath his lofted bed was his desk and his giant bean bag that he brought from home.

"sit," he instructed and pulled out his desk chair while he sat down on the bean bag. "what happened? why didn't you call me?" he asked as you sat down.

"he stood me up again," you finally spoke and grabbed tissues from the box on jun's desk.

"what? that jerk from the business honors thing? i told you he was no good," he said to you and grabbed a bottle of water from a pack that was sitting next to the bean bag. "here, take it," he said and handed you the water before grabbing one for himself.

"he was really sweet to me. how could he do this?" you questioned out loud and opened the bottle of water.

"he's a jerk, that's why," jun said. "delete his number and forget him, he's an asshole that doesn't know what he's missing," he added.

you propped your elbow on his desk and rested your head on your hand. "i hate college. i thought this was supposed to be the best time of my life," you sighed and drank some water.

"don't let everything negative make you hate college. there have been plenty of times where you've been happy," jun commented. "come on, let me take you back to your dorm. you'd probably be better there," he said to you and stood up.

you looked up at him, tears no longer running down your face, "can i just stay here for a bit longer? i've been alone for like three hours," you asked him.

he realized that leaving you alone probably wasn't the best and immediately nodded. "yea. yea, you can stay here," he said. "let me heat up some milk, i'll make hot chocolate," he mentioned and went to his mini fridge. "how did you even get into my hall?" he asked since your school id wouldn't have you let you into his hallway.

"i waited until someone left. my phone died and that's why i didn't call," you answered.

while he made hot chocolate, heating up a mug of milk in his microwave.

you stood up and went to his wardrobe grabbing one of his sweaters that had your college's logo on it. you put the sweater on, over the cute outfit you were wearing, and sat down on jun's bean bag.

the microwave beeped and you watched jun open the microwave door, grabbing the mug and pouring hot chocolate mix into the mug.

"here," jun turned around and noticed that you moved to the bean bag, "is that my sweater?" he asked.

"sorry...got cold," you mentioned as he handed you the mug, "thank you."

he hummed in response and proceeded to make another mug of hot chocolate for himself.

"you didn't have plans?" you asked him.

"me? no," jun replied. "just hanging out here. some of the guys had work and others had homework to do," he mentioned while stirring hot chocolate mix into his mug.

you took a sip of yours, enjoying the warmth of the drink. jun sat down at his desk with his mug.

"where were you even at?" he asked, "downtown?"

you nodded, "yea, at the bar that chan works at, but he wasn't there tonight."

"he's in the library right now," jun mentioned, "him and mingyu are studying for once." he took another sip and put huh mug down on his desk. "what are your plans next weekend?" he asked.

"don't have any, not anymore that is," you replied, "i was supposed to go to his frat party too."

"i swear, i'm gonna kick his ass if i—"

"jun, you guys aren't even in the same buildings for classes," you said, a small smile on your face from what he had said.

"but i need to! i'm gonna punch everyone who breaks your heart!" jun exclaimed.

you smiled, "you're really the sweetest."

"sweet? only for you, no one else."

"except minghao."

"okay, and minghao, but no one else."


the two of you finished your hot chocolates. once jun finished saying that he was gonna hurt the guy you had been seeing, both of you headed out so he could drive you back to your dorm hall, which was across campus.

"you didn't need to drive me back," you said to him.

"idiot, it's dark outside and the lamps the school put up barely light up anything. you're gonna get kidnapped or something," jun said as you two reached his car in the parking garage in the next building over. he unlocked his car and both of you got into his car. he started up his car and drove out of the parking garage, heading to your dorm hall. "i'm going to that coffee shop next to that new hotel tomorrow morning if you want to come," he offered.

"i might sleep in, but i'll text you if i'm up," you said to him. he nodded in response and turned onto another street.



"next time someone asks you out to something, it better be me."

you looked at jun, unsure how to process what he just said to you.

"you're obvious, you know that?" he said, cracking a smile.

you didn't even notice that his parked his car on the side of the road in front of your dorm hall.

"y/n, i like you."

"you're crazy."

"i'm being serious!" he whined and rolled his eyes, "you're so annoying."

"no, you are!"

"okay, but i'm being serious. like, for real," he said to you. "i'll prove it."

"then show me," you said to him.

"you wearing my sweater makes it look like we're dating," he said, tugging at the sleeve of the sweater you were wearing.

"jun!" he started laughing at you. "oh my god, i'm taking this off."

"keep it. it barely fits me anyways and it's cold outside," he said to you.

"why? from the nonexistent working out you do? when was the last time you even worked out?" you asked him.

"hey! i went to the gym last night!" he claimed, "even though it had been a month...but still! just get out of my car. i'll see you tomorrow."

"fine! bye! loser!" you said and unbuckled your seatbelt. you got out of his car.

"bye weirdo!" he said to you. you smiled at him, "night y/n."

"night jun," you said before closing the door to his car. you walked around to get onto the sidewalk, but jun stared at you. "leave!" you yelled.

he rolled down his window, "weirdo!"


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