s.coups - break

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word count : 462


you were slumped back in the chair in your studio. you had been producing music all day long and finally came to a standstill with one of the songs you were trying to finish up for someone within the company.

you took your glasses off and placed them on the table. then, you tilted your head back and closed your eyes to give your eyes a break.

this headache sure ain't helping.

a sigh left your lips as you stayed in the same position, trying to rest since you had been staring at computer screens for most of the day today.

a few minutes later, you heard someone knock on the door.

"come in," you replied and opened your eyes. you heard the door open as you sat up in your chair.

"hey," you turned around and saw your husband walking into the room. the door behind him closed by itself. "you almost done for today?" seungcheol asked you.

"have one more song to work on," you answered, "how was rehearsal?" you asked.

"it was good," he replied. "you look tired," he commented and kneeled in front of you, "how about we go home for the night?" he suggested but you shook your head.

"i have to finish a song," you replied, "and i have to send it to them by tonight," you added.

"have you eaten?" he asked in concern, but you shook your head again. "there's still a few hours left until midnight. how about you take a break for a bit?" he suggested to you.

"but i should work on this," you replied to him.

"take a break, baby. you shouldn't overwork yourself," he said and took his phone out of his pocket, "i'll order dinner for us."


"don't "seungcheol" me now. you always tell me to take a break when i'm working too hard," he replied and stood up. "come on, let's sit over there," he said, referring to the couch in the room, and pulled you out of your seat.

both of you walked the short distance to the couch and he sat down on the couch towards the end. you sat down next to him and leaned your head on his shoulder.

"do you wanna lay down?" he asked and you nodded.

seungcheol patted his lap and you moved so you were laying your head in his lap. he was on his phone, presumably ordering food for you guys.

"thank you," you said to him.

"of course," he replied and looked down at you. "take a small nap, i'll wake you up when dinner is here," he said to you.

you nodded and closed your eyes. you turned onto your side and curled up a bit before feeling seungcheol run his hand through your hair.

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