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Elena was running as fast as she could through starcourt mall and her eyes settled upon her best friend who had the mind flayer sticking his, like, tentacles or something inside of him.

"BILLY!" Elena yelled out and rushed towards him. She lit them on fire, both her hands being pushed out towards the mind flayer. It let out a screech but the last final tenticle struck Billy right in the heart. Elena let out a scream and she lifted up, fire consuming the demogorgan and it dropped dead. Elena dropped to the floor and rushed towards Billy. "I can heal you."

"Don't." Billy weakly says. "I'll see you soon, kiddo." A small chuckle left her mouth and she pressed her forehead against her best friends. "Promise me one thing?" Elena nods her head. "Beat the shit out of my dad for me, yeah?."

"I'll try." Elena laughs. "I love you, Bill."

"Love you too, Lena." Billys breathe gets caught in his throat before he died.

"You wanted him to die, didn't you?" A voice asks making Elena tense up. "You were secretly happy."

"No." Elena shook her head, more tears falling down her cheeks.

          ELENA ABRUPTLY WOKE UP, SWEATING AND PANICKING. Realising she was still in her room she flopped back down a relieved sigh escaping her lips. Before she fell back asleep.

"Hey, kiddo, you need to wake up." Steve banged on her door.

"Your two years older than me." Elena groans.

"Yeah, well, just wake up." Steve says and walks off.

Elena gets up and takes a brief shower before blowdrying her hair.

She ran a brush through her hair and let it sit just on her shoulder. She pulls a short sleeve grey shirt over her head and pulls on a pair of black jeans and a denim jacket. She always wore that jacket, she washed it, but she always wore it. She pulled her silver cross necklace around her neck and put a few silver rings on her fingers.

She grabs her messenger bag and flings it over her shoulder and grabs her walkman and puts the headphones over her ears and pressing play on the cassette that was already in there. The song Cherry Bomb invaded her mind and she skipped down the stairs, humming the song.

She pulls on her black converse which she drew fire travelling up the sides of them.

"You ready go, human torch?" Steve raised an eyebrow and Elena nods her head in response. The two head outside and Elena locks the door before they both get in Steves car, Elena sitting in the back.

It wasn't long before they reached Robins house and she got in the car saying a quick hello before applying her eyeliner but the road was very bumpy so it didn't help.

"How's Vickie?" Elena asks.

"How's Eddie?" Robin snaps back.

"Touche." Elena sighs and Steve starts rambling on about his love life so Elena blocked it out and lifted her headphones over her ears.

Let Me Into Your Heart | Eddie Munson (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now