𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚢-𝚃𝚠𝚘: 𝚂𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝 𝚂𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝 𝚃𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎

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          ELENA SLOWLY WOKE UP, HER ENTIRE BODY ACHING AND she came face to face with the two guards in the room again.

Elena's hair was stuck together and she had dried blood on her face and clothes and more blood seeping out from the wound the stick caused on her. She had a purple bruise on her jaw and a red mark on her face. She had bags under her eyes and tear stained cheeks.

"Lets try this again, yes?" The man asks and Elena nods her head. "Who do your work for?"

"I've told you a thousand times that I work for Scoops Ahoy." Elena answers and the guard steps closer to her. Elena cowers away when she noticed the stick in his hand that she knew the feeling of all to well. She was shaking her head begging for him not to do it.

The stick poked her in the same spot yet again. It was on its highest voltage level and the guards watched as the girls veins showed as she shook and let out the loudest scream they have ever heard.

She was knocked out again but her heart was slowing down with each passing second. Until it stopped.


          STEVE WAS SAT DOWN, HIS ENTIRE FACE SWOLLEN AND heard the commotion outside. He saw through the glass of the door one of those things you saw in hospitals that helped peoples hearts start again.

"What happened?" Steve asks. "Did you hurt them?"

"Your sister will be fine." The man tells him and Steve shakes his head.

"What did you do to her?" Steve asks, his voice breaking. "Is she dead?"

"She'll be alive shortly. We still need answers." The man says.

"3. 2. 1!" A voice shouts and a loud sound was heard. "Try again!" The noise was heard and a loud breathe was heard causing Steve to relax slightly. "It worked!"

Elenas scream echoed throughout the facility as she was electrocuted once again and Steves heart broke as he heard them, it was even worse that he couldn't do anything stop it.


          ELENA LOUDLY GASPED FOR AIR AND LOOKED AROUND, quietly crying when she saw the same two Russian guards.

"Who do you work for?" The man asks.

"Scoops Ahoy, I swear." Elena answers and the stick pokes her once again. She let out another scream.

The process was repeated for what felt like days but was only ten minutes.

"Ice cream, you like ice cream, right?" Elena says. "Scoops ahoy has loads of ice cream. Everybody loves ice cream. I don't know if you have Russian ice cream or if thats gelato or whatever. I don't know whats what but whatever you guys want, seriously. Mint choc chip, I mean, you gotta try it. Its out of this world, I'm telling you!" The guards start laughing and Elena nervously laughs along with them.

"I like this girl!" The man laughs harder. "Mint choc chip." The man chuckles before stopping. His face numb and he leans near Elena. "Who do you work for?"

"Oh, come on." Elena says, shaking her head as more tears ran down her cheeks.

Then the stick poked her for what felt like the millionth time and she passed out yet again.


          ELENA WAS THREW INTO A ROOM NEXT TO ROBIN and Steve, her body limp. Robin looked at Steve. His face swollen and he had dried blood over his face. She then looked at Elena. Blood was all over her face and uniform. Her veins were more easy to see and she had bruises on her face.

Let Me Into Your Heart | Eddie Munson (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now