𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚢-𝚃𝚠𝚘: 𝙵𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚢

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          THE BELL STARTED TO RING CONSISTENTLY AT THE COUNTER of Scoops Ahoy causing the two Harrington siblings to groan.

"Hey, dingus's, your children are here." Robin says and Steve opens up the back window, visibly annoyed.

"Again?" Steve asks.

"Seriously?" Elena sighs but Mike just dings the bell again. "Jesus, Wheeler, you're stepping on thin ice."

"But-" Mike goes to complain.

"Thin ice." Elena points a finger at him, her other hand on her hip. "Hurry up, then." The kids rush to the back and out the door, sneaking off to the cinemas.

"Come on, come on." Steve says, hurrying them away. "I swear, if anybody hears about this-"

"We're dead." The kids finish, having heard the lecture thousands of times before.

"They're getting on my last nerve." Elena sighs, running a hand through her hair.

"Its unfair that you don't have to wear your hat." Steve rolls his eyes.

"I mean I did lose it." Elena shrugs.

"More like you burnt it." Steve scoffs and Elena joins Robin at the counter.

"Has he been here yet?" Elena asks.

"Not yet." Robin answers. "Don't worry, Lena, loverboy will be here for his daily ice cream from his favourite sailor."

"Yeah, okay." Elena nods her head and watches the entrance of the ice cream shop. "He's not gonna be here is he?" Elena rests her head in her hand as she slumps over the counter.

"Patience, my amazing friend." Robin pats her back.

"What if he thinks I'm annoying?" Elena asks, looking at Robin. "It might just be a sick joke a band member put him up to. And he was probably like, Hey, Eddie, try to snag the Harrington girl or something stupid like that and he agreed and here I am waiting for him all day like some weird stalker. And he probably thinks that's weird, I mean I would too, but seriously Robin, he is literally so flirty its confusing."

"Calm down, Lena." Robin chuckles and smirks when she sees Eddie Munson walking into the ice cream shop. "It must be your lucky night."

"What? Why? Did Steve fall over?" Elena asks.

"Even better." Robin answers with a grin on her face and before Elena could ask what she meant the lights went out.

"Thats weird." Steve says and goes over to the light switch, flicking it on and off thinking it would make the power come back on.

"That isn't gonna work, dingus." Robin tells him.

"Oh really?" Steve asks and does it more faster.

"Jesus, Steve." Elena shakes her head. "It won't work, idiot, the powers out in the entire mall not just here. Sometimes I'm happy I'm adopted."

Steve ignores her, like always, and keeps doing it. Eventually the power goes back on and Steve gives the two girls infront of him with a 'i told you so' look.

"Let there be light." Steve says and goes back to scooping ice cream.

"Idiot." Elena mumbles and turns to the customer, not bothering to look at them. "Welcome to scoops ahoy, I'm Elena, I'll be serving you this evening, what can I get you?"

"Mint choc chip ice cream, please." Eddie answers and Elena looks up, meeting his gaze.

"You always have that." Elena points out, scooping the ice cream into the cone.

"Thats because its your favourite." Eddie grins, taking the ice cream from her. "How much do I owe you?"

"Its on the house." Elena tells him. "Flattery works with me."

"I could pay you some other way..." Eddie trails off, leaning over the counter and staring at Elenas lips.

"Hey, Munson, you've got your ice cream." Steve says and Elena looks at her brother, glaring at him.

"Right, sorry." Eddie grins and looks to Elena who was blushing very noticeably. "I'll see you tomorrow, sweetheart."

"Okay." Elena grins and Eddie walks put the ice cream store.

"I could pay you some other way..." Steve teases, laughing.

"I hate you." Elena glares at him.

"How was he gonna pay you, Lena?" Steve asks and Robin makes kissing noises.

"Your both super annoying." Elena rolls her eyes.




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