𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚒𝚡𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗: 𝙴𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚆𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚂𝚘𝚞𝚝𝚑

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          THE THREE GRABBED THEIR SPEARS AND NAIL-BIN-SHIELDS and pressed their backs towards each other as they waited for the bats.

"Its official." Elena says, cringing at all the shrieking sounds the bats were making. "My new favourite animal is a sloth."

But then the banging and the shrieking stopped.

"Hey, dipshits!" Dustin yells and Elena mentally face palms. "Give up that easy, huh?!"

"Shhh." Eddie says. "Is that really necessary?" Then a clattering sound was heard above them and they all look up to the roof. "They're on the roof."

"No shit Sherlock." Elena rolls her eyes and the three follow the sounds of the bats to a bit away from where they previously stood.

"They can't get in through there, can they?" Dustin asks as the three look towards the vent, spears pointing towards it. Then a bats head pops through and the three start yelling while stabbing their spears at them.

"Die!" Dustin yells and Eddie stops stabbing them to get his nail-bin-shield and he then presses it against the wall, blocking them from getting through.

"Holy shit." Eddie says.

"Nice." Dustin says.

"Thanks." Eddie shares a high five with Dustin and Elena.

"Are there other vents?" Elena asks and Eddie runs into his room and as soon as he opens the door a swarm of bats fly through the vent and Eddie quickly slams his door shut.

"Thats not gonna hold!" Dustin shouts and starts to climb the rope and successfully makes it to the other side.

"Your turn." Elena says to Eddie and he hesitates before climbing the rope. Elena goes to climb the rope but she glanced at the door, realising it was going to break at any second and she knew that she couldn't teleport between the normal world and the Upside Down. If she were to climb the rope the bats would break through before she got the chance to make it through the other side.

She jumped off and got her spear, breaking the rope despite the protests on the other end of the gate.

"DON'T FOLLOW ME!" Elena points a finger at them and grabs her nail-bin-shield and runs out the trailer, the bats following her. She grabs a bike and bikes away as fast as she could, leading them away from the trailer.

"Come get me, you sons of bitches!" Elena shouts to the bats but a mechanism in the bike broke, causing her to tumble to the floor. She quickly got up and took off her nail-bin-shield and positioned her body behind it, getting ready for the impact of a bunch of bats.

The bats were circling her and she started stabbing one after one with her spear but if got pried out of her hand by a bat she didn't noticed.

She then flung her nail-bin-shield around until she was dragged to the floor by a bat that had a hold of her neck and a couple other bats started eating her stomach.

She let out a small scream as she let the fire consume her, burning all the bats that were on her.

With one last scream all the bats were on fire and Elena dropped to the floor.

"ELENA!" She heard the voice of Eddie and Dustin and smiled weakly to herself as she saw them rush over.

"Oh, god." Dustin repeats as Eddie grabbed Elena and rested her head in his lap.

"Bat, huh?" Elena ask, causing the pair to sadly laugh.

"No." Dustin shakes his head, tears flowing down his cheeks.

"You're going to he fine." Eddie rakes his hands through her hair, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Just gotta get you to a hospital, okay?" Dustin asks.

"Okay." Elena says and Eddie tries to help her up but Elena couldn't stand. She used up all her energy. "I fucking hate these bats." Elena let's out a small cough.

"You're going to be fine." Eddie repeats. "Think of what our time was going to be like at the cabin."

"It would be fun." Elena says. "We would be like one of them couples in the films. And we'd have so much fun. And the hellfire club could sneak over and we could play D&D. The gang could stay over a few times and we'd gossip about their love lifes."

"Yeah." Eddie sadly chuckles.

"Do me a favour." Elena says.

"Anything." Eddie nods his head.

"Look after all of them for me, okay?" Elena says and Eddie nods his head, planting a kiss on Elenas forehead.

"Its my fault." Eddie sobs. "I shouldn't have ran... again."

"Its not your fault." Elena brings her hand up to his cheek. "It my choice. Don't beat yourself up about it, okay?"

"I won't." Eddie shakes his head.

"Just promise me something?" Elena asks and Eddie rapidly nods his head. "Please, don't forget me."

"I could never forget you, Elena Harrington." Eddie says between cries.

"Lena, I love you." Dustin cries.

"I love you too, you little know it all." Elena lifts her arm up and ruffles Dustins hair. "I love you both. I love all of you. If you ever see everyone again, even the people who aren't in Hawkins, tell them I love them dearly."

"We will." Dustin nods his head.

"Good." Elena says, growing weaker by the second. And her eyes flutter shut.

"Shit!" Eddie curses. "Wake up! Please, wake up!"

"GUYS!" Steve shouts as he, Robin and Nancy run over. Robin let out a small gasp and covered her mouth with her hand, tears flowing down her cheeks. Nancy just stood there, froze in spot, as she silently cried. "Elena."

"I'm sorry." Eddie cries out. "She cut the rope and-" Eddies voice cracked and Steve knelt next to his sister.

"She wanted us to tell you that she loves you guys." Dustin chokes out. "Shes finally able to say it."

"Elena." Steve carefully took Elena off Eddie's lap and lied her gently on the floor. "If you can hear me. I just want to say, even though we're biologically not, you're the best sister I could ask for and you will be missed." Robin then went by Steves side.

"And, uh, I know in this society liking girls." Robin starts, avoiding eye contact with everyone else. "Is a hard thing to accept but you accepted me. Sure, you and Steve made fun of my crush on Tammy Thompson, but in all fairness she does sound like a muppet." A small laugh left her mouth. "You're my best friend. Steves second. He's always been my second favourite Harrington."

"Harsh." Steve chuckles.

"Kidding." Robin says. "But I love you."

"I don't know what to say." Nancy mumbles from where she stood and crouched down and took Elenas hand in hers. "I know I wasn't exaclty the kindest person this year, and I'm so sorry. I love that you're impatient, and that you stick up for everyone. I'm going to miss you." Nancy's hand falls slightly down to Elenas wrist and a gasp escapes her mouth.

"What?" Eddie asks, his head snapping up to look at Nancy.

"What is it?" Steve asks.

"I can feel a pulse." Nancy answers.






You're welcome for not killing off Eddie, I could never do that.

Also I cried a lot writing this.

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