𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚢-𝚂𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗: 𝙱𝚕𝚞𝚎𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚜

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          "THAT KEY CARD OPENS THE DOOR, BUT UNFORTUNATELY, THE Russian with this key card also has a massive gun." Dustin explains to the sailors sat at the table as Dustin walks back and forth. "Whatevers in this room, whatevers in those boxes, they really don't want anybody finding it."

"But there's gotta be a way in." Robin says and the other three in the room share looks.

'Can I tell her please?' Elena mouths to Steve.

'No. We're not risking this.' Steve shakes his head and Elena sighs.

"Well, you know... I could just take him out." Steve suggests.

"Take who out?" Robin asks.

"The Russian guard." Steve answers and the other three in the room give him odd looks. "What? I sneak up behind him, I knock him out and I take his key card. Its easy."

"Did you not hear the part about the massive gun?" Elena asks.

"Yes, idiot, I did." Steve answers. "And thats why I would be sneaking." Steve makes his fingers walk along the table.

"Well, please, tell me this, and be honest, have you ever actually... won a fight?" Dustin asks and Elena snorts and very badly hides it with a cough.

"Okay, that was one time-" Steve starts.

"Twice." Dustin says. "Jonathan. Year prior?"

"Whos Jonathan?" Robin asks.

"Some guy, don't worry about it." Elena answers.

"Listen, that doesn't count." Steve shakes his head.

"Why wouldn't it count?" Dustin asks. "Because it looks like he beat the shit out of you. You got a fat lip, crooked nose, swollen eye, a lot of blood."

Elena blocked out the twos bickering by going to the counter and Robin took the money from the tip jar.

"Hey, Robin!" Steve calls and rushes out the back. "Hey, what are you doing?"

"I need cash." She tells him.

"Well a third of that's mine." Steve says. "Where you going?"

"To find us a way into that room." Robin answers. "A safe way. And, in the meantine, sling ice cream, behave and don't get beat up. I'll be back in a jiff." Robin then rushes off and Steve starts complaining about slinging ice cream.

"For fuck sake, Steve, if you're going to be a baby about it then I'll do it." Elena rolls her eyes, snatching his scoop from his scooper holder.

"Thank you." Steve grins at her.

"You owe me." Elena points the scooper at him.

"What are you gonna do, scoop my brains out?" Steve jokes and Elena looks at the scooper and then at Steve.

"What brains?" Elena says and Steve glares at her.

"Hello, sweetheart." Eddie leans on the counter, his head rested on his palm.

"Hey, Eddie." Elena says. "What do you want?"

"The usual, please." Eddie answers and Elena get him his ice cream and Eddie gives her the money.

"Sorry about being dragged off yesterday." Elena tells him.

"Well maybe you could make up for it." Eddie says. "You and me, the fourth at the carnival, what do you say?"

"Yeah, I'd like that." Elena answers, smiling. "What time?"

"I'll you there just before the fireworks start." Eddie answers.

"See you then." Elena says.

"Bye, sailor." Eddie winks at her and walks off.



"Yeah it can get you a bunch of drugs." Elena says, ignoring the look Steve gave her.

"Anyway, twenty bucks at the County Recorders Office got me..." Robin places down a set of blueprints. "Starcourt mall. The complete blueprints."

"Not bad." Dustin says.

"So, this is us, Scoops." Robin points at the blueprints. "And this is where we want to get."

"I mean, I don't really see a way in." Steve says.

"Theres not, if you're talking exclusively about doors." Robin takes the blueprints off to reveal more in depth blueprints.

"Air ducts." Dustin says.

"Exactly." Robin rushes over to the air duct that was on the wall in the back room. "Turns out, this secret room needs air, just like any old room. And these air ducts." Robin grabs a pen and starts to draw out a pathway using the air ducts. "Lead all the way... here."

"Robin, I would kiss you right now." Elena grabs the girls face and kisses her cheek, ignoring the blush that crept its way onto Robins face.

Steve grabs a chair and puts it against the wall and takes off the cover of the air duct.

"Flashlight." He holds his hand out to Dustin who hands him the torch. "Thank you." Steve turns the torch on and looks down the air duct. "Yeah, I don't know, man. I don't know if you can fit in here. Its, like... super tight."

"Title of your sex tape." Elena laughs.

"Oh my god." Robin mutters under her breath.

"I'll fit." Dustin tells Steve. "Trust me. No collar bones, remember?"

"Uh, excuse me?" Robin says.

"Oh, he's, uh... yeah, he's got some disease. Chry, uh... its chrydo, um... something. Yeah, I dunno. He's missing bones and stuff. He can bend like Gumbo." Steve tells Robin.

"You mean Gumby." Robin corrects.

"No I'm pretty sure its Gumbo." Steve says.

"Also its called cleidocranial dysplasia." Elena reminds him.

"Right, yeah." Steve nods.

"Steve, just shut up and push me!" Dustin shouts.

"Okay." Steve says and grabs his legs, pushing.

"Not my feet, dumbass. Push my ass." Dustin says.

"What?" Steve asks.

"Touch my butt! I don't care!" Dustin yells and Steve does what the boy told him. "Come on! Harder! Push harder!"

"I'm pushing!" Steve shouts back and Elena was in a fit of laughter, leaning on Robin for support.

"Do you have a camera?" Elena asks.

"Sadly no." Robin answers and a ding at the counter caught the two girls attention so they look towards the source of the sound.

"Ahoy, sailors!" Erica says, ringing the bell again. "All hand on deck! Ahoy!" Erica salutes and rings the bell a lot more.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Elena asks.

"Probably." Robin answers.

"Get Erica to go through the ducts instead." Both girls say at the same time and they both grin at each other.

"Great minds think a like." Elena high fives Robin. "Now let's bribe a child."

"Bribery? Really?" Robin raises an eyebrow.

"It works." Elena tells her.




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