𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚢-𝙾𝚗𝚎: 𝙴𝚟𝚒𝚕 𝚁𝚞𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚊𝚗𝚜

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          "I DON'T UNDERSTAND." Robin says as the group walk back into the comms room. "You've seen this before?"

"Not exactly." Steve answers.

"Then what, exactly?" Robin asks.

"All you need to know is its bad." Dustin tells her.

"Its really bad." Steve says.

"Super bad." Elena says.

"Like end of the human race as we know it kind of bad." Dustin says.

"And you know about this how?" Robin asks.

"Um, Steve? Where's your Russian friend?" Erica asks and everyone looks to where a knocked out Russian guard was meant to be but no one was there. Then the alarms start blaring.

Steve runs over to the door and opens it, Russian guards running towards them and he quickly closes the door.

The group run up the stairs and into the place with people that were wearing lab coats and they run out the door and over the metal walkway, pushing past Russians.

They stop next to a massive surge of light.

"Steve, I can easily get us out of this." Elena whispers.

"No using your powers infront of evil Russians." Steve whispers back and they turn to see the Russians charging towards them.

"This way!" Elena shouts and they run down more stairs, Elena shoving a Russian out the way, and Steve pushes barrels into more Russians. They run into a room, Steve, Elena and Robin holding the door shut.

"Here! Come on, let's go!" Erica shouts as she opens a vent.

"Come on!" Dustin yells.

"Go!" Steve shouts.

"Just get out of here!" Elena yells.

"No, come on, now!" Dustin gets into the vent, motioning for the three teens to go with him.

"No! Just go get some help, okay?" Steve says.

"Go!" The three at yell at him.

"I won't forget you!" Dustin closes the vent and the guards get the door open, sending the three sailors to the floor.

Guns were pointed at them and they all put their hands up in surrender.

A guard grabs Elena, her struggling in his grasp and two other guards grab Steve and Robin.

"Let go of me!" Elena shouts and stamps on the guards foot causing the guard to lose his grip on her but another guard grabs hold of Elena.

"Elena! Robin!" Steve shouts as he was being dragged away.

"Steve!" The two girls shout.

"Elena!" Robin calls.

"Robin!" Elena shouts and the man holding her said something in Russian before dragging Elena to a room.


          "I SUGGEST YOU TELL THE TRUTH SO YOU WILL not be hurt more than you must be." A guard says. "Who do you work for?"

"I work at Scoops Ahoy." Elena answers and the man nods to another guard who slaps Elena across the face. Her face stung and there was a red handprint on her cheek.

"Who do you work for?" The man asks again.

"I work for fucking Scoops Ahoy, you asshole!" Elena shouts and instead of a slap she was punched in the jaw. Instead of showing pain the girl started laughing uncontrollably like a mad man as a way to mask the true pain she was feeling.

"What is funny?" The man asks and the guard gets ready to lunch her again.

"Nothing." Elena laughs harder and more maniacal than before earning a other punch and when she didn't show a sign of pain again she was punched again. Elena spat out the blood in her mouth before laughing again, blood around her mouth making her seem like the Joker from a Batman comic.

The man nods to the guard who gets out a stick.

"What the fuck is that?" Elena asks and just as the stick touched her it sent electricity all throughout her body. Not the kind Steve was talking about with her and Dustin but the painful kind that made your body shake and your jaw to clench as pain surges over you.

Elena let out a small scream of pain, her entire body aching as soon as the stick moved away from her.

"Who do you work for?" The man asks again.

"I work for Scoops Ahoy, I swear." Elena says and the stick touched her yet again but the pain was worse. She let out a loud scream as the voltage going through her body kept on increasing and increasing with each time she said she worked at Scoops Ahoy.

The familiar metallic taste returning yet again in her mouth as blood fell down her chin and onto her uniform.

"Please, stop." Elenas voice was barely a whispers but was loud enough for the guard to hear her and stop what he was doing with a nod from the other man. "Dude, come on, look at my outfit. You think I wear this shit for fun? Plus, why would I have my name tag on my shirt if I was some spy. Please just stop. If you let us all go we won't tell anyone, I promise. Please just let me go."

The guard was having none of it. He raised the stick at the crying girl, poking her with it yet again. Elenas screams got louder and louder with each poke. She had no idea the highest it could go to and she didn't want to find out. Her body shaked uncontrollably as the stick stayed pressed against her lower stomach and she started bleeding from where the stick had poked her in the same place every single time making it worse.

"How did you get in?" The man asks.

"The delivery didn't come and my friends and I thought that it was left at the loading dock, so we went into the room and then it turned into an elevator and now we're here." Elena answers.

And the stick poked her again. But this time the pain was too unbearable and it made the girl pass out.




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