𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢: 𝙱𝚞𝚕𝚕𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚝

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"EL!" Billy calls for the girl and she turns around in the hallway to see him, giving him a small wave. "You want to go with me to Tina's party tonight? Strictly platonic of course."

"Sure." Elena answers. "I'm probably gonna dress up as Morticia Adams.

"What?" Billy asks and Elena clicks her fingers and sings the Adams family theme tune. "Oh, that chick with the light over her eyes all the time."

"Yeah." Elena says.

"I'll pick you up, then." Billy offers.

"I could get ready at yours but we'll have to go to mine first to get the costume and the make up and stuff." Elena tells him.

"Yeah, sure." Billy agrees. "But I have to pick up my little sister."

"Thats fine." Elena tells him. "Meet you after school?"

"Yeah." Billy nods his head.


ELENA WAS WAITING WITH BILLY NEXT TO HIS CAR while Billy smoking a cigarette.

"Want a smoke?" Billy asks.

"No, thanks." Elena answers and Billy nods, placing the cigarette back to his lips.

Soon after a redhead skated over to them on her skateboard.

"Hey, I'm Elena, Billys friend." Elena smiles at the girl.

"Uh, I'm Max." Max tells her and opens the door to the car.

"You're late again." Billy says to the younger girl.

"Yeah, I had to get catch up homework." Max tells him.

"Jesus, I don't care. If you're late again then you're skating home." Billy says, earning a whack to the back of the head from Elena.

"Billy, thats your sister you need to treat her like it." Elena tells him.

"Shes not my actual sister." Billy says.

"Steve isn't my actual brother and yet I still refer to him as it and think no less." Elena says. "Now we're gonna get in that car and you're apologising to your sister."

"Fine." Billy sighs, throwing the cigarette on the ground and stomping on it.

Elena held the seat down for Max so she could get into the back easier and when she was in the back Elena got into the passenger seat.

"Sorry, Max, I shouldn't have said that." Billy mumbles as he gets into the car.

"Its fine." Max furrows her eyebrows slightly, confused at the sudden change in mood.

"I talked some sense into him." Elena whispers to her and she nods her head.

When Billy started driving Elena pulled her seatbelt on in a matter of seconds, fearing for her life.

"Jesus, you drive like a madman." Elena says, holding onto her seat tightly.

"Its not my fault this place is such a shithole." Billy says.

"Its not that bad." Max says and Elena nods her head in agreement.

"No?" Billy looks at the two girls, rolling the windows down. "You smell that, ladies? That's actually shit." Elena quickly put the windows up, letting out a breath she was holding in.

"We're driving past fields of course its gonna smell like shit. Cows live on them, idiot." Elena tells him.

"Why are you defending this place, Max?" Billy asks, looking over to his sister again.

Let Me Into Your Heart | Eddie Munson (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now