𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚎𝚗: 𝚆𝚎𝚒𝚛𝚍 𝚋𝚊𝚝𝚜

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          NANCY WHACKS ONE OF THE WEIRD BAT CREATURES OFF of Steve with an oar, Eddie, Robin and Elena standing behind her.

"Hey there." Nancy says and hits another one off him.

"Robin hold the weird little shit down." Elena tells Robin and she nods holding it down. The bat was set on fire and Elena was beating the shit out of it with her oar. "DIE! WHY ISN'T IT DYING?"

"Nancy, behind you!" Eddie yells and a bat flies on Nancy's back. Elena pulls it off and throws it on the floor stamping on its head multiple times.

They look over to Steve who kept on hitting the floor with the bat and then he ripped it in half.

"Please don't tell me you bit it." Elena gags and quickly hugs her brother. "You scared me, dingus."

"Are you okay?" Nancy asks and Elena pulls away from the hug, noticing the wounds on Steves side.

"Well, they took about a pound of flesh. But other than that, yeah, never better." Steve answers and Elena places her hand over Steves wound to start the healing process.

"Uh, do you guys think these bats have, like, rabies?" Robin asks.

"What?" Steve asks.

"Its just that rabies are, like, my number one greatest fear and I think we should get you to a doctor soon because once the symptoms set in, its too late. You're already dead." Robin answers and they heard more bats in the distance.

"All right. There's not that many." Steve says. "We can take 'em. Right?" In the distance there was loads more flying towards them and Elena stopped healing him since she had yet to master her abilities so she couldn't heal wounds fully yet.

"You were saying?" Robin asks.

"The woods. Come on." Nancy runs off, Steve following behind her.

"Great." Robin sighs and flips her touch. "More running."

The group of five ran. They ran for what seemed like ages until they stopped to hide at Skull Rock.

"Oh, okay." Robin steps out from under Skull Rock after the bats fly past them. "That was close."

"Yeah." Steve agrees but his voice was faint and he fell against the rock.

Elena was worried. She stood by Eddie just watching as Nancy helped her brother.

There was literally a fucking hole in Steves stomach and Elena and Robin quickly rushed to his side.

"So the good news is I'm pretty sure wooziness is not a symptom of rabies. But if you start having hallucinations or muscle spasms or you start feeling really aggressive like you wanna punch me, let me know." Robin tells him.

"Robin, I kinda want punch you." Steve says.

"Sense of humours still intact. That's a good sign." Robin laughs and Nancy rips off a piece of her clothes and ties it around Steve.

Eddie climbs up a rock and watches the Upside down.

"So, uh, this place is like Hawkins, but with monsters and nasty shit?" Eddie asks.

"Yeah." Elena answers and Eddie goes to walk down.

"Wait, watch out for the vines." Nancy says. "Its all a hive mind."

"Its all a what?" Eddie asks.

"All the creepy crawlies around here are like one or something." Steve answers. "Step on a vine, you're stepping on a bat, you're stepping on Vecna."

"Shit." Eddie says and climbs off the rock.

"But everything from our world is still here, right? Except people?" Robin asks.

Let Me Into Your Heart | Eddie Munson (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now