𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙽𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗: 𝙸𝚗𝚟𝚒𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗

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"LENA, WAKE UP!" Steve bangs on the girls door.

"Shut up, Steven!" Elena shouts back, rubbing her head with her hand.

"Hurry up I have to pick up Nance!" Steve shouts back and when he walked away she could hear him mumbling about how Nancy's gonna hate him or something dramatic like that.

Elena got up, brushed her teeth and got dressed into a red shirt with high waisted blue jeans and put on a jacket Steve gave her for the cold weather and quickly put on her trainers. She brushed her hair and put on the rings she wore ritualistically on her fingers.

She sprinted down the stairs, Steve standing impatiently at the front door with Elenas schoolbag in his hand.

"Bye, Linda!" Elena shouts.

"Bye, sweeties!" Linda shouts back and Steve ushers Elena out the door to his car, Elena sitting in the back seat.


THE THREE WERE IN STEVE'S CAR OUTSIDE THE SCHOOL and Nancy was looking over one of Steves college application to proof read it.

"Its crap, I know." Steve says.

"No, its not crap." Nancy says.

"Yeah." Elena nods her head.

"Its not good though." Steve says.

"Its going to be." Nancy tells him. "It needs some reorganising. Can I mark on it?"

"Yeah, I guess." Steve answers.

"So, in the first paragraph, you used the basketball game versus Northern as a metaphor for your life, which is great. But then, around here, you start talking about your grandads experiences in the war. And I don't see how they're connected." Nancy tells him, circling a few things as she does.

"It connects because, you know, we both won." Steve explains but Nancy just looks at him and then the paper, not saying anything. "Do you think I should start from scratch?"

"No." Elena answers, peering over Nancy's shoulder to read it. "Whens the deadline?"

"Its tomorrow for early application." Steve answers. "Can you two help me tonight?"

"We have our dinner tonight, remember?" Nancy asks.

"Oh my god." Steve groans.

"Right, well, while you two sort out the dinner or no dinner tonight I'm gonna head to class." Elena tells them and gets out the car, walking into the building while ignoring the judgemental stares of Tina, Carol and someone else she didn't bother to learn the name of.

She went to her locker and grabbed a few books for the day but the laughter filled the halls as a boy ran down them, cans of spray paint in his arms and the basketball team chasing him.

Elena watched as the boy with messy curly hair rounded the corner, nearly falling over as he did and disappeared into an empty classroom.

"Hey, Harringtons sister." Tommy H shouts and Elena looks at him, confused. "Did you see anyone run down here?"

"Yes, he went towards the cafeteria." Elena lies and they run in that direction.

A few seconds later the boy came out and spotted the girl.

"I sent them towards the cafeteria." She tells him.

"Thanks." He says, smiling at her. "I'm Eddie, by the way."

"Hi, I'm Elena." She says, returning the smile.


ELENA WAS SAT IN HER HOMEROOM, BORED OUT OF her mind when the new kid walked in.

Let Me Into Your Heart | Eddie Munson (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now