𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚢: 𝙳𝚊𝚛𝚝

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          THE CAR COMES TO AN ABRUPT STOP JUST NEXT to the dug up hole and the group get out the car and open the trunk.

Everyone started putting on bandanas around their mouth and goggles.

"I'm not putting these on." Billy cringes.

"Yes you are." Elena says and gives him a red bandana and bright pink goggles.

"Pink? Really?" Billy scoffs.

"Yeah, really, don't complain, you big baby." Elena rolls her eyes, putting her hair up and putting on a black bandana and blue goggles on. The pair then put on some lime green gloves.

Steve was shouting from where he was leant against the car but no one was answering any of his questions.

"We are not going down there right now." Steve says. "I made myself clear. Hey, there's no chance we're going to that hole, all right?"

"El, when I was looking for Max." Billy turns to his best friend who was leaning against the car. "I went to the Wheelers and Mrs Wheeler opened the door. She was wearing a little silk black robe and she looked so hot. Like I would honestly just-"

"Ew, gross!" Elena covers her ears. "Don't talk to me about that, please."

"Fine." Billy rolls his eyes and Elena walks over to help put the rope through the hole for them to climb while Billy tightens it against his car. "Tug on it!" Elena yanks on it and it stays attached to the car and the car doesn't move.

Elena goes down the hole first, then Steve, then Billy and the three help the kids down even though Billy wanted nothing to do with that but after being forced by Elena he helped.

"Uh, here you go." Steve hands Billy a crowbar. "It was in the bag."

"Thanks, Harrington." Billy lightly hits Steves back.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's this way." Mike shines his torch down one end of the tunnel.

"You're pretty sure or you're certain?" Dustin asks.

"I'm one hundred percent sure." Mike answers. "Just follow me and you'll know."

"These kids are annoying." Billy mumbles.

"You get used to Mikes complaining, Dustins smartness, Lucas' laid back attitude and girly scream and Max is just calm apart from when everything's loud." Elena says.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, hey, hey, hey." Steve says, stopping Mike. "I don't think so."

"What?" Mike asks.

"Any of you little shits die down here, us three are getting the blame." Steve answers. "Got it, dipshit?" Steve snatches the map off of Mike. "From here on out, I'm leading the way. Come on, let's go." Everyone looks at each other before following Steve further into the upside down tunnels.


          THEY TURN THE CORNER AND ON THE CEILING OF the tunnel is something goopy and slimy.

"God." Lucas breathes out.

"What is this place?" Max asks and no one answers so she looks at Billy for one.

"I don't know." Billy shrugs.

"Guys, come on." Steve says. "Keep moving."

Dustins loud screaming made everyone turn and run back to him, even Billy, though he would never admit it.

"What happened?" Steve asks and Elena quickly rushes to Dustins side and Billy looks around for any signs of possible danger even though he would have zero idea on what that would be.

"Its in my mouth!" Dustin screams. "Something got in my mouth! Shit!" He starts coughing and then looks up at everyone. "I'm okay."

"You serious?" Max asks.

"Very funny, man." Steve mumbles.

"I don't want whatever the hell that was in my mouth thats for damn sure." Billy says as they all start to follow Steve again.

"All right, Wheeler." Steve says as he stops. "I think we found your hub."

"Lets drench it." Mike says and everyone, apart from Elena, cover the hub in gasoline and move to stand behind her.

"Ready?" Elena asks.

"Ready." Mike repeats and a small flame appeared on the tip of Elenas finger as she set the hub on fire. "Run!" The group took off running back to where they climbed through.

"Hey, this way!" Steve shouts and they follow him around the corner.

"Help! Help! Help! Help!" Mike screams and Elena runs over to him and vines were wrapping around his legs. Elena raised her hands and in a matter of seconds the vines were on fire and retreating off of Mike.

"Come on, get up." Elena helps him up.

"You okay?" Lucas asks.

"You good?" Dustin asks.

"Guys, we gotta go!" Steve reminds them and a growl makes the group look towards a demo-dog. The demo-dog being Dart.

"What the fuck is that?" Billy widens his eyes as he looks at the demo-dog, slowly pulling Elena behind him.

"Dart." Dustin says and walks forward slowly, despite everyone telling him not to. "Trust me, please." Dustin takes a step closer to Dart and Dart does the same. "Hey. Its me, its me." Dustin lifts down his bandana and rests his goggles on his forehead. "Its just your friend, its Dustin." He bends down infront of it. "Its Dustin, all right? You remember me?" Dart walk closer to Dustin and Elena hides her face in Billys arm, scared for the boy. "Will you let us pass?" It snarls making Elenas head look towards it, seeing its teeth bared towards Dustin and she takes a step forward only to be pulled back by Steve. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I'm sorry about the storm cellar. That was a pretty douchey thing to do. You hungry? Yeah?" Dustin gets out a chocolate bar from his bag and breaks it into little piece for him and puts them on the floor.

"Hes insane." Lucas whispers.

"I've got our favourite." Dustin continues to talk to the demo-dog. "See? Nougat." Dart starts to eat the chocolate off the floor, confusing them even more. "Eat up, buddy." And Dustin waves his arm forward, signalling for everyone to go past.

"What the fuck was that?" Billy whispers to Elena as they walk past the creature.

"Oh, just some human and interdimensional creature bonding." Elena answers. "Catch up, dude."

They begin to run again but the ground shook, causing everyone to fall over and they heard shrieking in the distance.

"What was that?" Max asks and a monster roars.

"They're coming." Mike answers, making the group run faster towards the exit.

The group make it to the rope and Billy goes first to help the kids out. Then Max who grabs Billy's hand and is pulled through. Then Lucas. Then Mike. And when Dustin was about to climb up the shadows of the demo-dogs were getting closer and closer.

"Dustin, climb, now!" Elena shouts and fireballs form in her hands as Steve gets his bat ready. Dustin hides behind the two, screaming as the demo-dogs run around the corner but they run right past them.

"Go! Go!" Steve shouts and Dustin climbs up.

"Steve, climb!" Elena shouts and Steve climbs the rope, him and Billy holding their hands out to help Elena. Elena grabs onto the rope and pulls her self up, grabbing both of their hands and being pulled up onto the mud.

She wipes the blood from her nose and the group get out of the dug up hole.

The lights from Billys car shone bright making the group cover their eyes from it but after a minute the lights go back to normal.




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