𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢-𝚂𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗: 𝚂𝚙𝚢

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          ELENA WAS SAT OPPOSITE MAX ON THE BYERS KITCHEN floor and helps the girl put duct tape on cardboard with Mike at the sink grabbing a few things.

"I get why El was your mage now." Max says.

"What?" Mike asks.

"Lucas. He told me all about her." Max tells him.

"Well, he shouldn't have." Mike says and Elena rolls her eyes at the younger boy. "And just because you know the truth, it doesn't mean you're in our party. You do know that, right?"

"Yeah, I know." Max answers, looking at the duct tape, trying not to be affected by the boys words.

"Hey." Elena says, placing a comforting hand on Maxs shoulder. "We can start our party. It'll be me, you, Steve and other people can be added to it as time goes along."

"Yeah, I'd like that." Max smiles.

"Don't leave the party now, Mayfield." Elena ruffles the younger girls hair and the three sit there in silence for a couple seconds, doing their tasks.

"I mean, why would you want a stupid zoomer in your party anyway?" Max asks but Mike just looks at her for less than a second before facing under kitchen sink again. "I'm just saying, El, she sounds like she was really awesome."

"Yeah, she was." Mike says. "Until that thing took her. Just like it took Bob." He then gets up and walks away.

"It could always take him next, Max, have faith." Elena whispers to her and Max laughs.

"Fingers crossed." Max holds up her crossed fingers and Elena copies the action.


          THE GROUP, MINUS JIM, WILL, JONATHAN, MIKE AND JOYCE were back in the kitchen.

Max and Elena were having a thumb war to keep themselves preoccupied, knowing both of them were kind of impatient.

"Ha!" Max exclaims.

"Thats a second time in a row, you're cheating." Elena scoffs.

"Or you're just really shit at playing thumb war." Max laughs and Elena gasps.

"That hurts me, Mayfield." Elena falls back, her hands over her heart.

"You're so dramatic, Harrington." Max grins.

"Last name now?" Elena raises an eyebrow at her.

"You started it." Max shrugs and leaves Elena to sit with Lucas.

'Go get him, Tiger' Elena mouths to Max who glares at her causing the older teens to laugh and lean against the wall next to Nancy.

"I guess Steve told you about what happened." Nancy says.

"He did." Elena says. "Look, Nancy, I don't hate you for it. Did I want to punch you when he told me? Yes I did. But if Mike came to you told you the same thing happened you would want to punch the person who said that. But no hard feelings, eh?"

"Yeah." Nancy nods her head.

"So you and Jonathan?" Elena smirks.

"Its not like that." Nancy denies.

"You look like walking proof of someone who's had sex this week." Elena says and Nancy turns even more red. "I knew it! Hey, I'm happy for you two."

"Thanks." Nancy says. "Also thank you for helping my brother get out of the lab."

"No problemo, Wheeler." Elena says.

"You've been spending too much time with Steve, I think his lingo is rubbing off on you." Nancy tells her.

"Damnit." Elena lightly hits the wall.

Then the others walk in and Jim grabs a piece of paper and a pen.

"What happened?" Dustin asks as the group go near them.

"I think he's talking, just not with words." Jim answers, writing something down. Morse code.

"What is it?" Steve asks.

"Morse code." Everyone answers.

"H. E. R. E." Jim spells out.

"Here." Everyone says.

"Wills still in there." Jim says. "Hes talking to us."

The others went back to the shed while Elena had a piece of paper infromt of her that taught her the letters of morse code and Nancy was sat next to her with a pen in her hand about to write down.

"C." Elena tells Nancy who writes it down. "L." They wait a few seconds to get the next letter. "O." Elena looks over the piece of paper infront of her for the next letter.

"S." Max tells Nancy after she realised Elena couldn't figure it out and Elena gave Max a smile.

"E." Elena says. "G."

"A." Max says. "T."

"E." Elena says.

"Close gate." They read out loud but then the phone rings and Elena, without thinking, sets it on fire and it stops making the ringing noise.

"Did you really have to do that?" Nancy asks her.

"I'm sorry, I panicked, I'll get them a new one." Elena says.

"Do you think he heard that?" Max asks.

"Its just a phone." Steve says. "It could be anywhere, right?"

The kids were at the windows, watching to see if they could spot any demo-dogs when Jim walked into the living room.

"Hey, get away from the windows!" Jim tells them and they immediately do what the man said. Max went and stood next to Elena but was straight away shoved behind her by said girl. "Do you know how to use this?" Jim holds a gun out towards Jonathan for him to use.

"What?" Jonathan asks.

"Can you use this?" Jim asks.

"I can." Nancy tells him and Jim tosses her the gun without hesitation and the girl catches it.

Fireballs appeared in the palms of both of Elenas hands for what felt like the millionth time that night when they started hearing the demo-dogs screeching in a distance.

"Where are they?" Max asks and a loud thud was heard to the right of them and everyone turned to face that direction.

"What are they doing?" Nancy asks and they focused on the window, the leaves rustling against the glass. A snarl was heard from the front door and they all turned to face that way, Joyce letting out a small scream as they did.

They could hear bangs, screeching, the monster groaning in pain but then then the screeching stopped.

Everyone was staring at the window in anticipation for something to jump through it and attack and it felt like decades of watching the window before a demo-dog crashed through it but it appeared dead.

Everyone slowly walked up to it, analysing its non movements incase it was a trick from the shadow monster.

"Holy shit." Dustin says.

"Is it dead?" Max asks and Jim kicks its head with his foot and when it didn't attack they knew it was dead.

The door started to creak and they all turned to face the door, Elena didn't even realise the fire in her palms had disappeared until Max tightly held her hand. The lock on the door was rolling away but a demo-dog couldn't do that.

"I don't think that's a demo-dog." Elena mumbles and the door slowly opens and in walks eleven.

Elena knew eleven in the lab but she was older. Her hair was longer and slicked back and she was dressed in blue cuffed jeans, white trainers, a black shirt, a black jacket with the sleeves rolled up.

Mike walked past Jim and the two young teens stared at each other, smiles on both their faces.




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