fourteen: we may be soulmates, but i only see you when demons are a problem

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through her slumber in the floor, amata doesn't seem to hear the knocking or the calling outside her door. the cats meow and crawl all over her, yet she still doesn't wake up.

"kanroji? are you home?"

more knocking ensues and ends up awaking isamu. he flies into the living room, where amata sleeps, sprawled out on the floor. he leans down to her ear, takes a single deep breath, and screeches.

amata awakes with a scream of her own and she nearly slaps isamu before realizing it's just him. he cackles loudly as he flies up and amata wipes her eyes before she hears a knock.

"sorry!" she yells out. she rushes to the door, nearly tripping over mochi in her panic-filled rush. she swings it open and smiles when she sees muichiro.

"hello tokito-san! all better now?" she asks. he nods once and amata opens the door wider. he steps in, looking around her quaint home as amata closes the door.

"so, why have you decided to visit me?" amata asks, rocking on her feet in excitement. she wiggles her hands out beside her.

"your bowl."

he extends it out to her and amata smiles as she takes it. "oh! thank you..."

she notices the little, pink, powdery balls of delight in them and her cheeks go red. muichiro notices and turns his attention to the cats, as not to embarass her.

"did... did you make these?" amata slowly asks.

he shrugs. "you made me all that food and tea." he responds. amata smiles widely and takes a bite of one of the mochi.

"wow!" she says with a full mouth. "you did a really good job!" she praises. muichiro doesn't respond as she journeys into the kitchen, setting the bowl of mochi down on the table.

"want one?" she holds one up as muichiro enters the kitchen. the younger boy stares at it a bit before gently reaching a hand out to take it. amata blushes a bit as their fingers touch and she quickly looks away.

"are you mission-ready yet?" she asks.

muichiro slowly chews and nods. "on my way to one." he says through his chewing.

"oh! well, good luck." amata smiles. she reaches for another mochi and eats it happily. muichiro turns and walks to the door, and she follows him as he opens it.

"thanks for the mochi, tokito-san!" she calls as he leaves. he shrugs as his uniform sways and amata closes the door.

then, she screams.

"isamu! isamu! did you see that?! he brought me mochi!" she screams. "oh, nee-san was right! we are soulmates, isamu! a match made in heaven!"

she reaches down and lifts up mochi and ryuji before spinning around, cheering as she does so.

"oh, you stupid girl!" isamu rolls his eyes.

"how am i stupid?! he presented me mochi!"

"he doesn't love you! he has yet to perform his mating ritual and sing a soft song consisting of coos and quiet trills!" isamu yells.

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