twenty-seven: the L-word

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the word rang through amata's ears as she set up a pillow and blanket fort in the living room. the idea of muichiro calling her pretty felt unrealistic, blissful.


she smiles to herself just as the kettle goes off. she trots into the kitchen and fixes the tea, just as muichiro enters the living room with wet hair.

"oh!" amata gasps as she turns to him. "tea and fort is ready!"

she hands him his cup and he thanks her as she climbs inside the fort, sitting criss cross and lighting the lantern. she waves muichiro in, smiling with excitement.

the rain outside begins pouring harder and thunder strikes as muichiro enters the fort. he sits across from amata, the dim light of the lantern casting a spooky glow on her face.

"are you ready... for the story... of the haunted mansion?!" she says, throwing her hands in the air to be spooky.

muichiro smiles at the childish antics.


"'twas a dark, stormy night-"

a loud roll of thunder claps and amata smirks with an eyebrow raised. "talk about timing!" she giggles. "give me a sign if this story is true!"

thunder claps again and amata grins wildly at muichiro's soft smile. she claps her hands together and rubs them quickly.

"a young man of the eastern mountain village..."


muichiro awakes first. he sleepily flutters his eyelids open and picks his head up, brushing his messy black hair from his face.

the warmth against his chest makes him look down. he sees her hairpin and magical hair first, and then her arm that holds on to him.

he instantly lays back down, his heart beating. he worries he woke her up with all that movement.

when she doesn't stir, he calm down.

she breathes softly against him and her rythym remains steady with total concentration, constant. his mind buzzes nervously at the knowledge that she is laying with him.

she's cuddling him.

he remains still for another two hours, thinking about his first move. his mind moves a mile a minute and his heartbeat is steadfast.

amata is dreaming of her family, a soft smile creeping onto her face.

muichiro finally decides that he should cook breakfast. with precise movements, he sets a pillow in place of his body. he exits the fort and walks into the kitchen, where he searches for the pan he wants to use.

amata stirs awake just as he finishes cooking the food. she lifts her tired head and wipes her sleepy eyes before crawling out of the tent.

muichiro slightly tenses, but his expression is otherwise indifferent. amata hops into the kitchen and smiles at the sight of pancakes.

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