chapter 54: nonetheless,

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author's note: hi everyone!! how are you all! i have a few things to say before we jump into the new chapter. first being, i'm sorry this took so long.. i- yeah- just a lot going on and not much free time. that's basically the summed up version.  i'd also like to say that, maybe with this chapter, you'll find some of sky's reactions weird, or the ways she is approaching and dealing with things equally weird... i get that. i just hope you remember she has no idea what she is doing and no idea how to deal with what has happened to her and yeah... her ways of looking at it are ever changing because she is trying to figure it out, as i think you've noticed and will see here too. she chooses the easy route sometimes. other times just plain and simply the wrong route. but it is what it is. that's how real people function too. - TRIGGER WARNING: de4th - lastly, i want to say that news broke today that cooper noriega, most known for being an influencer/tiktok star, a sweet 19 year old boy with hopes of making the world a better place for himself and others has passed away and it has completely shocked me. it's devastating. he was my age. my friends' age. and he was just a person, a kid in need of help who didn't get it in time. it's horrible. it's infuriating. the cause of his passing isn't known yet, but he did struggle with mental health issues and drug problems, and it immediately made me think about people i know (and don't) who struggle (at all but especially) with drugs... and it made me think about this book, and you all, and what the story is about. and, if it's not CRYSTAL CLEAR yet, i want to, again, say I DON'T PROMOTE DRUG USAGE! in fact, I URGE YOU TO STAY AS FAR AWAY FROM DRUGS AS POSSIBLE. please! this book mentions them and other heavy topics a lot, but please know, it's always as a means to spread awareness, and to report real life matters, not romanticise it and even less so to encourage you to engage in similar things. there's nothing romantic about it. any of it. not drugs. not depression. not bpd. not self harm. not anything. it's not poetic, it's tragic. please view it as such if you view it from the outside. or the inside. i am begging you. and please. please. most importantly: reach out if you need help. reach out to your friends who you think may need help. reach out to me if you think there's nobody else. reach out to a hotline. just please know you're not alone. this isn't some bullshit you hear from everyone, it's the truth. you are not alone. i'm here for you always. and many others are too. rest in paradise, cooper.

(Sky,)"you talk of the pain like it's alright,

But I know that you feel like a piece of you is dead inside."

"Okay. Sure. Real mature of you guys." I say, crossing my arms in the backseat.

Like a pouty child. But I'm right, so... I'll allow myself the pouty-child-ness.

"Sky. Please." Violet says.


"No, no. It's fine." I say again. Kinda serious, kinda not.

"Why don't you just drop it and come with us too?" Brooklyn suggests.

They're both sitting in the front seats. V is driving.

"Because, Brooklyn, if I'm criticising it, I'm not gonna partake in it." I explain like it's the most obvious thing in the world... Because it is.

"It's not like they're actually gonna be checking who goes and doesn't go... No one really cares." He says, checking his phone, pretty unbothered.

"Well, I care." I say. "If we all just decide to not show up, there are no funds to be raised!"

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