chapter 28: diy.

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God damn, man child,

You fucked me so good that I almost said "I love you".

"Sky, could you not? Isn't it enough that you're dragging me to that fucking dreadful party, you're also making me wear a stupid costume?" Noah says annoyed. 

Baby, you're so cute when you're annoyed.

"It's not even a real costume, for fuck's sake. This is literally some white button up and black pants that I ruined so it looks like you got murdered or something. Get over yourself. Stop being a baby about it!" I tell him buttoning up the shirt, leaving half the buttons open.

"Well, it's still stupid!" He says through his teeth.

Hm, no it isn't.

"No, you're stupid. This is hot. Look at yourself." I say pointing to the mirror.

We both stand in front of the mirror and he checks himself out. "Well, I'll admit, not bad... kinda looks good."

I can't contain my soft smile. "Baby, what do I ever do that is bad?"

"I'm not talking about the outfit, I'm talking about me. Please." 


"Shut the fuck up, Noah." We both laugh. "But see, it's cute. I can see your abs, and your tattoos and that cross necklace of yours, so that's a 10 out of 10. Well, other boys and girlies will see that too, which I'm not too sure about, but you know, I'm not afraid to fight anyone that tries to take what's mine." I saying putting my hands on his chest.

I'm feeling feisty.

He looks at me with shining eyes "Like you once told me, I'm not anyone's." He smiles.

"Well, no one's talking about me here. I may not be yours but you're 100% mine." I say trying to hide my laugh.

"And where's the fairness in that, miss?" He says smirking.

"Love is no fair game." I say unconsciously. 

Oh no, not love-

Fuck sake, me and my big mouth. The only times I should overthink shit I don't.

It just slipped. I didn't mean it like that.

"Love?" He asks.

Yeah... I'm just as confused as you are Noah... It's been getting worse by the day lately.

Could I really-

That's impossible.

No. Forget it. I've stopped. Let's not entertain a thought that is going nowhere.

"Hm, well, yeah, love or anything. Life in general, I meant..."

He notices me being a bit uncomfortable, thank God, so he just smiles. "Whatever you say. But you're totally mine." He laughs. "Are you dressing up in a dinosaur costume or do I have to also get ready for a fight?"

"Probably, I mean... You do understand that I'd make even a dinosaur costume look hot as hell, right?" I say laughing.

"That's true. Guess I'm going as a boxer after all." He says and I laugh.

"And throw away this outfit that I made with all the good intentions in the world? Hm, I beg to differ, sir."

"Oh, right, I'm not wasting the five minutes of you with a pair of scissors ruining clothes you stole from me, absolutely not. What kind of terrible monster would I be?" He says jokingly.

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