a little note on Black Lives Matter. TAKE ACTION NOW!

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hey!! im sorry it's raking me so long to update this story, but a new chapter was being written when a bunch of awful things happened and they matter so much more than a new chapter of this story.

i felt like i had to get a lot of things out of my chest before i updated the story, plus it is my responsibility. it is all of our responsibilities.

i wrote this following part around two weeks ago, about some issues that were going on on twitter before everything else that happened this week. the part about black lives matter specifically, the death of george floyd, and the on going racism going on in america and the world.

i'm obviously a big fan of harry and i'm on twitter a lot for that reason.
these last few weeks has become a constant to see people who claim to be part of the fandom saying the most disgusting, vile shit regarding people based on their sexuality, their ethnicity, their race, their nationalities, whether or not they are disabled... just so many things, it's INSANE... and it's SAD... and it's INFURIATING, and i just can't understand how you can be like that... I CANT!

its 2020... let's accept people and love people! let's not judge people for things they can't even control!! how can you support and love harry, the person who stands up for all of that, and then go on twitter and insult people for who they are behind an anon? do you understand what people go through? do you think it's your right to invalidate them?

i often feel like it isn't my place to speak up about things like this because i don't feel like ive suffered from this sort of things that much... that's because i keep to myself as much as possible... but you want to know why that happens? because society and people like that make other people feel like they are not valid for what they are... BUT I SHOULD SPEAK UP! WE ALL SHOULD... it doesn't matter if 2 or 2 million people will listen to what we're saying... it's our DUTY at this point to try to make a change!

again, it's not about me... i know what people go through, luckily nothing too bad ever happened to me because of it, but it could... i have indian and latinx descendesse... i am LUCKY that i live in a place and around people who never made me be in a situation that was too uncomfortable, whether it being regarding my looks, my ethnicity, my sexuality, whatever it is... of course things have happened, especially online, but really not that much, and I feel LUCKY.

SO MANY PEOPLE are not as lucky... i am LUCKY that words from ignorant people online don't tend to affect me much, but you know how RARE that is?? do you know how much it affects some people?? how invalidated they feel when they should be feeling the opposite??

be nice to people. know your privilege. educate yourself. don't be a disgusting RACIST, HOMOPHOBIC, TRANSPHOBIC, XENOPHOBIC or MISOGYNISTIC piece of shit, please. or just a bad person in general... what do you gain from it? think before you speak, before you act! we don't know what people are going through, we don't know how much our actions can affect them! let's be good. treat people with kindness!! always!!

(there's also been someone more recently who faked their own suicide to try and get an account ran by innocent girls cancelled. so many people got triggered, these girls were wrongly accused for leading someone to suicide... it was just awful. and this happened in the middle of what is already going on... absolutely disgusting and disturbing. please learn from that and NEVER EVER do something like that. suicide and mental health are not and will NEVER be a joke. EVER.)

now, something else I'd like to say... SOMETHING ABSOLUTELY FUNDAMENTAL... I've been trying to write the chapter thats yet to come out for two weeks, and I wrote the text above at the beginning of that 2 week period... but now there's more things to say... obviously.

this last week has been... pretty damn shitty. it started with a bunch of racist people from my country and me calling them out... then a group of people came in defense, OF THEM!

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