chapter 27: night out.

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You're a part time lover and a full time friend,

And I don't see what anyone can see,

In anyone else but you.

A week has passed since the dinner with my parents and it all went extremely well. Too well, to be honest.


If I thought my parents liked Campbell, than I'm sure as hell they are in love with Noah. Not that I can blame them.

Throughout the entire dinner I was lost for words most of the time, just sitting there amazed at how well Noah was able to keep a good conversation going with my parents.

It was one of the most heart warming things I've ever seen.

Noah never fails to warm my heart.

My dad thinks his tattoos are incredible and told him that his voice would sound good in rock songs, to which Noah shyly replied that he should probably just stick to listening to them.

I got scared that him bringing that up could make Noah feel some type of way, since I don't fully know the extent of the effect the topic has on him yet, but he seemed really relaxed, although shy, about the whole thing.

My mom told me he was a very nice guy and also very smart and handsome, with which I highly agree. Obviously.

He is in fact, all of the above and more.

I'm telling you, they like him better than they like me now.

I think I like him better than I like me now too.

On Wednesday, I took him to meet my friends.

Like, properly meeting them.

All these things sound so big. Like we're telling the world we're getting married while we're not even dating. But they matter to me, he matters to me and I'd love for all of them to be friends... It would help me feel a lot better. 

Plus, I was already going to hang out with them, so I just brought him along. No biggie.

But anyways, that too went wonderfully.

I mean, kinda. Him and Campbell are kinda at a weird place. It's not like they don't talk to each other. It's more like when they talk is extremely petty.

But again, it may as well just be the demons in my head trying to corrupt me and my happiness. 

At least Campbell didn't seem sad or anything... which I can not even begin to tell you how much of a relief is for me.

Violet thinks Noah is very good for me too. Much better than Campbell, anyway, according to her, but we already know that she would think that about anyone.

I think the one person out of the group that Noah is getting the closest might be Mateo. I don't even know why I think that, he seems to be having a blast with everyone, to be honest, but I just think the both of them are connecting the best.

I couldn't tell you how happy it makes me to see them all be friends like I wanted. Honestly.

Kinda similar to the way it made me happy to see him with my family... again... he just means so much to me that is really important for me to see him get along with the people in my life.

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