chapter 29: i should use my heart less.

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I want you bad,

I want it that bad,

I should use my heart,

Or I should use my heart less.

**no POV**

Love was always a very abstract concept for both Sky and Noah.

Though very passionate, intense people by design, they were always too scared to feel with that same intensity.

The reasonings behind this are very different from each other, but the outcome has always revealed itself to be quite similar.

Either they refused to indulge in any romantic activities past a surface, sexual level, or, if they did very rarely get a little past it, they'd just self sabotage their way out of that narrative.

But this time it was different. Neither one had it in them to self sabotage their way away from one another. 

Falling for each other, like they did,  felt like jumping off a plane. 

Falling from the sky, if we want to get poetic.

So euphoric, so deep, so wild, so unique... It felt like a rush.

A rush of emotions that hit you hard and all at once... before you can even think too much into it. A rush of emotions so strong, that no amount of self-control in the world could control.

It felt like an adventure... like a dance with the devil, one bit too close to danger... one little mistake away from a fatality. It was one of those that felt like if you got it wrong, you wouldn't make it out alive to try again.

Because you'd just fall... Apart.

Though it felt so wild, there was also something about it that felt really safe.

When you jump from a hight, it also feels like you're flying. And there is a certain peace that comes from flying... a freedom... a sense of power, of comfort, of invincibility. They felt that with each other's presence. 

As humans who must resign to the humanity of walking, we see flying as something almost magical...

And our only way of getting a taste of that magic is by allowing ourselves to fall... fall from the sky... fall in love. Because falling in love is, in fact, the only falling that feels like flying.

They didn't know too much about each other, neither did they know each other for long.

But they knew each other so well.

Not the most mundane, human things there were to know... surely Sky doesn't know what Noah's favourite food is and Noah doesn't know what Sky's favourite colour is, especially since it is the entire rainbow, but they knew things about each other that not even they knew about themselves.

It was terrifying for them how quick it all happened... well, it was terrifying that it happened, period. 

Some would say it was too quick. That it's impossible for something so strong to develop so fast, though it's obvious for everyone that has one, that the human heart doesn't follow instructions... and certainly doesn't follow a schedule. 

Some could try to blame it on their age, their good looks, the temptations and the pleasures... say that they got some vanity mistaken for love.

Others could even argue that they were fooled by the support they found in each other in times of need to jump to the conclusion that that was love.

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