chapter 7: little miss perfect.

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It feels like you don't care,

Why don't you recognize I'm so rare?

Always there.

It's 2pm. 

I'm about to meet my friends at the mall. Very basic of us, yeah... but that's what we're doing today. Tomorrow we go back to school. 

Let me tell you a little bit about how our school works.

It's a one of a kind school for so many things. 

Its main focus is keeping the students truly interested in what they are doing, whatever way that may be. So if we feel like it's better to not go to classes that day, we can. 

We have a number of classes that we need to go to every year, but we don't need to attend more than that. Of course we can, if we want to, but no one will make us do it. 

One thing that they make us do is somehow be involved in the campus community. At first I thought I'd like to participate in the theatre club, or the art club or the music club... you know, things I truly liked, but my mom was a cheerleader back in her high school days and she begged me to also be one. So that's what I did, of course. 

So as that takes forever of my time, plus there's school work, plus there's modeling career, plus there's music and plus there's life, I ended up not being a part of any of the clubs.

One thing is for sure, the members of the cheerleading squad and the athletes, mainly basketball in our school, are the privileged kids here. We have perks above the rest of the students and we have better college opportunities. Quite ridiculous if you ask me, but that's how it works. 

In my freshman and softmore years, being a cheerleader was very fun, because I had some girlfriends here. But last year and now, there are more girls than ever before, and I'm not really friends with any, sadly.

I love the actual cheering part, but I don't really like the people that much. Or the pressure put on us. And the fact that they sexualize cheerleaders to the core. Ew.

The only positive part is that Campbell and Brook are apart of the Basketball team. Campbell is the captain actually. He loves it. So I always spend time with both of them every time we have to be here.

Sometimes I make myself hang out with the girls from the squad, but I have a feeling they don't like me very much because of Campbell. At all. It actually looks like they want me to leave everytime.

I couldn't care less though. Well, that's a lie. I can't act like deep down I don't want everyone and their moms to like me. I do. But I'm quite good at acting like I could not give two shits. Sometimes I pretend so well that I almost fool myself, like I almost just did right now. But yeah. 

Some of the girls here are head over heels for my brother too. 

What can I say? I only hang out with the hot guys.

And you wanna know why? Because just like our queen Billie Eilish once said, "you give an ugly man a chance, they think they rule the world."... Could never be me.

I'm kidding... Or am I?

Regardless. Tomorrow we have practice because Friday is the first big game of the season.

The cheerleaders and the basketball team don't have practice at the same time tomorrow, so that sounds like a wonderful time, no doubt.

We always do it together, why can't it tomorrow?

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