3. She's back

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Ilaria de Luca


With all my bags I get into a cab and give him the address of my brother's house. It was about a thirty minute drive and my eyes grew wide as he parked in front of a house with two huge gates.

Woah. This place is huge.

"Are you sure this is it?" I ask my cab driver and he looks up at me through the rear view mirror and nods.

"Yes ma'am."

My eyes grow even wider as we drive down a long driveway. He stops, driving around a huge fountain in the center of the front yard. I stared out the window completely mesmerized by the place.

This can't be Angelo's house.

There was a black, matte Bentley parked in front of the house and a motorcycle in the same color parked opposite it.

Above the garage was a huge room with three glass windows. Inside I saw what looks like a red Ferrari and a white Rolls-Royce.

There's no way daddy just gave all of these to Angelo.

The cab driver parked the car and I hesitantly got out. I closed the door and pulled all my luggage out of the trunk. I paid him before he pulled away.

I walked to the front door before ringing the doorbell.

The door opened and a tall, broad figure stood in front of me. He looked behind him and whipped his head towards me, the smile on his face slowly fading.

"Ilaria!" his smile returned and he engulfed me in both his arms, lifting me off the floor.

Thank goodness.

At age twenty he's about 6'2 with light brown, messy hair and striking green eyes like our fathers. He's got few tattoos on his left arm but that's about it.

He finally puts me down and we break the hug. "I see they're letting the mentally ill patients roam freely now, huh?" he teases and I playfully roll my eyes.

Angelo and I have always been really close. Best friends even.

"Oh my God, Angelo! You live here? With all these cars and shit?" I ask and he nods. I looked inside and it definitely lived up to its expectations.

"Yeah," he breathlessly says.

"Daddy's money gets you far, doesn't it," I tease as I pat his shoulder, walking inside.

"You're funny," he tonelessly says and I smile. "But our father had nothing to do with this. It's all me," he arrogantly says and I whip around to face him.

"You? Yeah right."

"I work now, remember," he rolls his eyes.

"Oh," I quickly say, feeling a pit grow in my stomach. "I guess I missed out on a lot, huh?" I softly say.

"We'll catch up. Don't worry about it," he assures and I nod. As he's about to close the front door I stop him.

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