34. Rainy days are ours

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Ilaria de Luca

I'm woken up by the soft pitter-patter of rain against the car. I lift my head, seeing Marcus in the drivers seat.

"Did you kidnap me?" I humorously ask and he turns his head in surprise.

"Yes," he nods. "And I should probably knock you out before you escape," he says and I playfully roll my eyes as I sit up.

"Where's Mattia?" I ask, looking around.

"He just pulled up," he says, looking through the rear view mirror and I turn to look out the back window.

I see Marcus' car pull up before the headlights and engine both die.

He gets out and so does Marcus.

What's happening?

They speak for a while until Mattia walks around to open the car door for me. He helps me out and throws his jacket around my shoulders, pulling the cap over my head.

"Why'd you leave me with Marcus?" I yawn as he closes the car door.

"I needed to take care of something and thought it would be best if he brought you straight here," he says, taking my hand in his as he walks me to the entrance of the building.

Yeah... right.

We head into the building and he greets and introduces me to a friendly, elderly woman at the front desk.

This place is huge.

She hands him a keycard and we make our way to the elevator.

A chill runs down my spine and he chuckles, pulling me into his arms. "Maybe don't wear a dress like this during winter," he teases, kissing the top of my head as I rest my head against his chest.

"In my defense... the sun was out when I got dressed this morning," I softly groan. "And sorry," I sarcastically say as I lift my head, placing my chin on his chest. "I'm not taking fashion advice from someone who only wears black shirts and black pants."

He opens his mouth to protest but then shuts it and shrugs his shoulders.

"Fair enough," he nods and I can't help but smile as I lean up onto my toes to kiss him.

He slides his hands from my waist, over my ass as he pulls me closer to him and I can't help but smile as I break the kiss.

He grins, lifting his hand to take my chin in between his fingers as he leans in to capture my bottom lip before he gently tugs it with his teeth.

The elevator door finally opens and we head out and down the hallway.

When we get to what I'm guessing is our new place he grabs my hand as the doors already open. Yelling comes from the inside and as soon as he hears the voice a smile forms on his face.

He pulls me inside along with him and tosses the keycards on a table.

"I'm only here because he asked me to, you incompetent fool!" a brunette irritably groans as she holds her cellphone to her ear. "Go ahead. I'd like to see you get off your lazy ass and do it. Who knows? You might just stumble across a bag of chips and sit back down," she yells before ending the call.

She takes a deep breath in and Mattia clears his throat, trying not to smile.

"Oh. You're here," she whips around. "Finally," she smiles, rushing over.

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