26. Men

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Ilaria de Luca

"Your father is going to kill me if he finds out."

Looking straight ahead, my eyes grow wide as I look around the club.

It was amazing.

But what caught my eye were the girls dancing so effortlessly. They performed amazingly and looked even better.


"Come on," my mother takes my arm, pulling me through the crowd and towards the back.

She opens the door to a room and my eyes grow wide as I scan the room.

"This was yours?" I ask in disbelief and she hesitantly nods.

"Ilaria..." she slowly says, taking my hands in hers. "Your siblings know that your father and I met at a club where I worked as a bartender. But they don't know about this," she motions her hand to the room.

"Really?" I ask in disbelief and she nods.

"I figured this might make you feel better. Special even, since I only shared it with you," she smiles and I immediately pull her into my arms.

She's such a great mom.

We break the hug and I look around, still completely blown away.

"I can't believe you use to be cool," I tease.

"Use to be?" she asks - almost defensively. "I still am," she flicks her long hair over her shoulder.

"So are you going to dance?" I almost excitedly ask.

"I birthed four children and married a crazy man. I have lost my touch," she shakes her head.

"Oh, come on," I smile. "I'm sure you've still got it," I playfully nudge her arm.

"I don't think so," she chuckles.

"Can I watch the other girls then?" I ask and she nods.

"Sure. Come on."

She leads me to one of the tables and I watched as the men all stepped aside as she walked. They didn't tear their eyes off of her but she couldn't care less - didn't spare them a glance.


We sat down, facing the stage and it looked amazing.

"You're not going to drink, Mamma?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"Drinking during the day isn't for me."

"Oh..." I slowly say. "So you're more of a get down and dirty during the night time kind of gal?" I ask and she looks at me - speechless. "Sorry," I hold back a laugh.

"God, you're your fathers child," she shakes her head and I lean over, hugging her from the side.

"Oh c'mon," I drag out the word as I move side to side with her in my arms. "I'm your favorite child, admit it," I smile.

"Ilaria, you can't be my favorite and your father's favorite."

"So you admit that I'm daddy's favorite?" I gasp and her head snaps towards me.

"I never said that-"

"Ohhh... but you did," I show her a big smile.

"Just watch the show," she puts her hand out towards the stage and I can't help but show her a smug look.

I'm daddy's favorite.

Minutes later the show started and it was incredible.

The girls were so talented, I felt envious. They were amazing dancers and it was not at all what I had expected. It was mostly about the dancing.

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