12. Beer bottle

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Ilaria de Luca

"Ria, my love," Marcus says and walks next to me. "Girls fall for the villain, the asshole or the killer, right? Not for the hero," he asks and I nod.

"Yeah. Why?"

"Please tell that to miss redhead over there," he nods his head to Imani.

"Oh come on. You can't ask Ria, she's into the assholes."

"No I'm not," I furrow my brows at her.

"Jayson," Angelo casually says as he's on his phone.

"Whatever. Can we just go swim already?" I groan and Imani hops off of the stool.

"Let's go!" she smiles and we walk out of the kitchen. "Hey. Princess," Imani says and Ana turns around.

Oh no.

Imani never uses 'princess' as a compliment. After that word more vulgar words follow. Let's hope that's not the case this time.

"Come for my girl again and I'll shove my foot so far up your ass you'll taste cherry, red nail polish for the next three years."

Ana's eyes grow wide and I grab Imani's arm.

"I only told you because you could sense the tension. Not, so that you could threaten her," I whisper yell.

Imani narrows her eyes at Ana and points two fingers to her eyes, then at Ana. She mouths, 'I'm watching you'.

We headed out and as soon as we stepped outside Marcus and Angelo ran, jumping into the pool. The girls and I all joined in laughter and I spotted Mattia sitting on one of the chairs with his white powder again.

I'll stay away this time. I'll listen to Angelo.

Soon, Naomi's squeal is heard as Angelo pulls her arm down and she falls into the water but of course, he catches her.

"Shall we, m'lady?" Imani smiles at me, putting out her hand. I take it and we both start running towards the pool. We let go just in time and both of us cannonball into the water.

I brushed my hair back out of my face and smiled as I walked over to the shallow side.

Ana decided to sit on the edge of the pool, dangling her feet in the water.

Even though we didn't meet on the best terms, that didn't hide the fact that she was drop dead gorgeous.

Long blonde hair, soft blue eyes and a beautiful dimple on her right cheek which was extremely visible as she laughed at Naomi being teased by Angelo.

Her long, model-like legs lightly kicking in the water as she watched us.

I felt my throat close up as I got out and walked over to her.

"Not a swimmer?" I ask sitting down beside her. Her body tensed when I sat down but she smiled her breathtaking smile and shook her head.

"Not really. I mean I love the water but simply to relax. Not to really swim and drain myself."

I slowly nodded, kicking my feet in the water as I watched the little waves I had created.

"He's a real jerk by the way," I say not looking up but her head snaps towards me. "I've known him for like a few weeks and let me tell you, a guy like that should not have such a hold on you. You're way to beautiful to be slouching over him."

"You... think I'm beautiful?" her voice comes off as shaky and I turn my head to her.

I smile and nod.

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