41. Insanity

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Ilaria de Luca

Mentions of: blood, needles, broken bones and guns.

"So grandpa still doesn't like you?" I ask my mother as I poke some of my salad with my fork. "I mean, I think you proved that you really do love daddy."

My mother shrugs her shoulders as she walks out of the room, covered in blood splats.

"He doesn't hate me as much. We barely speak- plus when we visit I'm always with your grandma," she casually says as she walks over to the sink to wipe her hands and arms.

"I thought blood made you sick..." I slightly frown in confusion.

"I married your father. Needed to get use to it," she sighs.

She has her hair tied back into a ponytail. She decided to wear a black bodysuit and some black leather pants. Why the leather pants? Because even though she's past forty, her ass still looks great. Her words. Not mine.

"I would've never thought he hated you," I say in thought and after she's cleaned up enough she sits down and we continue eating.

"It's because a stripper broke his heart, back when he was younger," my mother casually says and I nearly choke on my water.

"What?" I breathlessly laugh and she nods. She tells me how grandpa fell in love with a popular stripper and how they went out for a couple years. She cheated on him one night at the club and that's where his secret hatred came from.

Her and I continue with our little gossip stories until we're done eating.

I wipe my hands before getting up and making my way to the bedroom.

"Stop," Fernandina breathlessly pleads.

Sweat grows on her forehead, running down the side of her face. Her eyes are heavy as she lays in pain.

"All they did was break all twenty-seven bones in your hand. Fifty-four, actually, since they did both hands."

"I'm sorry, okay. I shouldn't have done what I did," she coughs out blood.

"Too late," I make my way over to her. "I'm your personal hell," I assure her as I stand over her body.

I signal for the guys to come closer and one of them grabs her arm.

"What is he doing?" she asks as he picks up a needle. "No... no please. What's that?" she asks, looking between all of us.

"Do you know the stages he had to go through?" I ask, taking the needle then pointing it upwards as I lightly flick it with my fingers. "Fear," I say putting the needle to her skin.

"No please- I- I'm sorry!" she cries. "I'll never do anything like that again just please stop."

"Oh, it's too late now," I say as I prick her skin.

The guys held her down as I pushed the needle into her vein, releasing the liquid.

"Tell me what you injected me with," she heavily breathes. "At least tell me that mu-"

"Some shit that causes and increases fear, dumbass," one of the guys irritably says – clearly already irritated by her.

Before anyone could speak she started sweating uncontrollably. "God- what's happening," she whimpers, fisting her hands at her side as her eyes squeeze shut.

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