: ̗̀➛Epilogue

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Ilaria de Luca
[4 years later]

"Daddy bike!" Malachai — Kai for short — beams, kicking his legs as he sits on Mattia's motorbike that's standing in our front yard. He reaches forward, stretching as far as he can to hold onto the handles.

The smile on his face stretched from ear to ear in excitement.

After Mattia and I got married, he surprised me with our very own home. It was modern, spacious, and simply designed. Just how I liked it.

It was way too big for two people, but Mattia assured me that that would change. Soon enough, I fell pregnant and decided to name our baby boy after Mattia's father — may he rest in peace.

"Momma, we ride, please?" he smiles up at me.

Since Kai is only two, he hasn't fully learned to say complete sentences yet. If we're lucky, we get a few words. Other times we get little sounde and gestures.

"Oh no, I can't ride this thing," I softly chuckle, shaking my head as I hold him to make sure he doesn't fall. "When your dad comes home, I'm sure he'll take you for a ride," I assure him.

"Promise?" He looks up at me with huge, glistening eyes, and my heart instantly melts. His r sounded like an l, and his s sounded like sh — it was adorable.

"Yes, I plomish." I kiss the top of his head, and he giggles in excitement, making my smile grow until my face hurts.

Kai was absolutely obsessed with his father's bike and wouldn't stop pestering me at least three times a day to come out here.

I hadn't noticed Mattia just got home until his car door slammed shut.

He rounded his car, smiling as he approached me. His arm slipped around me as he pulled me closer by my waist. His lips kissed mine in greeting before he pulled back to look down at me.

"You're home early," I say, seeing as it's barely three in the afternoon.

The look in his eyes told me exactly what I needed to know. The butterflies in my stomach were the only confirmation I needed. "I missed you."

"Daddy!" Kai gasps in excitement, throwing both arms in the air. Mattia smiles, effortlessly picking him up with one hand and kissing him in greeting.

My hand rests on the side of Mattia's neck as I gently run my thumb up and down his jaw. My eyes soften as I stare up at the most beautiful man I've ever laid eyes on. Wow. "My handsome man—"

"That's me," Kai scrunches up his nose and breaks his fascination with Mattia's neck tattoos to look at me.

Mattia smiles, shaking his head, and I reach up onto my toes to peck his lips.

Kai groans, looking at Mattia in disbelief. "No," Kai shakes his head, wiggling his little finger at Mattia. Kai takes my face in both his tiny hands, planting his lips on mine. "My momma," he smiles and gives me one last kiss.

"Hey, she's my wife," Mattia protests, shifting Kai a little on his arm.

Mattia leans in to kiss me, but Kai slams his hand over Mattia's mouth with the deepest scowl I've ever seen.

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