29. Deadly kiss

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Ilaria de Luca

"Just listen," I say, feeling my stomach drop. "Mamma!" I groan before moving my eyes back to my father. "Daddy, why don't you put the gun down and- Mamma wake up!" I quickly yell. "Just hear me out, okay?" I say as he gets closer. "If- if you shoot him you shoot me!" I say, using my arms and hands to shield Mattia.

My father immediately stops in his tracks, looking down.

Arabella has her arms and legs wrappped around my fathers leg - like a literal monkey - while smiling at him.

"Hello father who loves me the mostest in the world. How was your trip?" she smiles and I'm so grateful she woke up. "Mamma!" she quickly yells while looking over at our mother before smiling up at our father.

"Arabella, let go," he sternly says and she makes herself smaller while holding his leg.

"Daddy please don't kill him or either of us for that matter, please!" she dramatically cries out.

I watch as his jaw clenches and his chest rise with a deep breath in.

"He's asleep," I quickly say. "Are you really going to be a coward and shoot a sleeping man?" I ask and Arabella tsks in disappointment, shaking her head.

"Killing one man in his sleep is nothing compared to my history. I think I'll live," he almost sarcastically says.

"I never thought Antonio de Luca would be a coward," Arabella heavily sighs.

"Your mother's called me worst. Try again," he says, lifting his gun.

"Mamma!" Arabella groans.

"Oh my god! ni siquiera puedo dormir..." my mother groans. She continues rambling in Spanish and Arabella and I look at each other in confusion.

"Someone's been hanging out with uncle Nereus too much," Arabella mumbles and I nod in agreement.

Seconds later a pillow is thrown at Arabella's head and I can't help but snicker. My smile immediately disappears as I look up to see a very angry father.

"What! What is it?" my mother asks, sitting up. "Oh, you're back," she smiles, getting up to kiss my fathers cheek.

She notices the gun and drops her head in her hand.

She takes a deep breath in before yelling at him in Spanish. She stops midway, shaking her head. "I'm an idiot," she softly says. She then starts yelling at him in Italian and even Arabella and I were taken by surprise.

I guess daddy has been teaching her Italian and uncle Nereus helped her with Spanish.

They dug their own grave.

She used her hands so much that even I was afraid to be as close to her as my father was.

Arabella slowly let go of my father and moved back against the sofa, staring up at my mother in shock and fear.

My father tries speaking but my mother slowly - dramatically - fists her hand in front of her face and he clams shut, listening to her yelling.

"Now..." she slowly says. "Come with me."


"Antonio Ivan-Yuri de Luca, I am not going to tell you again. Come. With. Me. You're not going to kill-" she cuts her English sentence off and carries on in Spanish and Italian.

Honestly, I don't know how he kept up.

"You know what?" my mother says. "Kill him. Go on. Kill him, I'll even help you," she says, lifting the gun and my heart nearly stops. "But just know, that if you kill him," she says before leaning towards his ear. She whispers something and I watch a grin appear on his face before it immediately drops, replaced with fear.

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