37. Deja vu

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Ilaria de Luca

"I don't think we can do that here," I snicker as Mattia kisses my neck while holding onto the side of my thighs.

He had lifted me onto the countertop in the kitchen while I got myself a drink and hasn't let me go since.

"I'm trying to have fun at a party that you forced me to come to," he says, leaning back against the countertop next to me.

"You still not talking to your boyfriend?" I tease - referring to Angelo - as I hop off and he shakes his head, looking down.

I sigh, standing in front of him as I wrap my arms around his waist.

"And Marcus?" I ask and a small grin tugs on his lips. "Why don't you go and have fun him."

"No you're right," he nods. "I don't think the girl Marcus is fucking right now would mind having threesome," he says and my smile immediately drops. "I mean, I'll be having fun right?" he smirks and I hit the side of his arm.

"That's not funny," I say and he chuckles. "I didn't know Marcus was busy," I say and he smiles, sliding his hands over my ass and to the hem of my dress as its extremely short.

"I'll be right back," he says with a little kiss. "Don't worry, I'll try not to have too much fun," he nods his head and I take a deep breath in, slowly exhaling.

"So go and talk to Angelo then," I say and he looks uncertain. "He's had enough time to cry about it."

"As long as you're not the one who's mad, I really couldn't give a fuck," he heavily sighs and I smile, shaking my head up at him.

"He's your best friend. Just make things right," I say, leaning onto my toes to kiss his cheek.

He shrugs his shoulders and picks up my drink as he throws his head back to down all of it.

I can't help but lick my lips as he lowers his head, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Rethinking the whole, 'not in this house' are we?" he teases and I playfully narrow my eyes at him.

"Cheater," I whisper up at him and he chuckles.

"Excuse me," I hear Naomi's voice and turn to see her pushing past a few people with Angelo.

The tension between Angelo and Mattia didn't seem to be as strong but neither of them even cared to look at each other.

Naomi and I had finally had enough so we dragged them to the sofa and pushed them down onto it at the same time.

"Fix. It," Naomi seethes through her teeth and they scoff, rolling their eyes.

"If we get back, and you're both still mad we're going celibate," I cross my arms over my chest and their eyes grow wide.

"No kissing, no touching, no sex, no nothing," Naomi narrows her eyes at Angelo.

"Naomi you can't be fucking serious," Angelo says in annoyance.

"I'm not in the mood for games," Mattia irritably says and I scoff.

"You heard her. It's been a month. We can't enjoy ourselves without the two of you ruining it for us," Naomi continues. "You're always pulling us apart and bringing a negative energy into our spaces."

"We've had it. The choice is yours," I say as her and I leave them sitting on the couch.

Without looking back, we make our way through the house and continue enjoying ourselves without them.

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