6. The diner

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Mattia Cattaneo

The little bell above the door rings as a few friends and I walk into the retro themed diner.

There are multiple window side booths which is where we all sit down. Opposite the booths are a few stools at the counter. The counter stops right before the door.

I slide in first, followed by Marcus. Carter slides in opposite us and then Parker after him.

As soon as we walked into the diner all eyes were on us which is expected since we're practically giants compared to everyone here, not to mention we're a diverse friend group.

"I ain't been at a college party in way too long," Carter groans and Parker nods.

"We're going on Saturday right?" Marcus asks looking around at all of us.

"Fuck yeah. Plus a little redhead will be there so I'm not missing out on my chance to get lucky," Parker grins and Carter takes his hand.

"Mattia? You're awfully quiet," Marcus says and subtly nudges me with his elbow.

All eyes are on me and I raise a brow at them. "What?" I say sharply.

"You haven't been talking on the ride here and you're still quiet," Marcus says.

"Yeah but he's always quiet," Parker semi whispers.

"That's true," Marcus nods.

"But," Carter puts his hands out. "We spoke about two things he loves, parties and that hot blond."

"I don't love either of those things, idiot," I shake my head.

"His heart to dark for love- come on man you know this," Parker hits Caters arm.

"Don't tell me a little dirty blond has something to do with it," Carter grins and all the guys look at me in confusion.

Just then the waiter arrives and takes our orders. As soon as she leaves all eyes are on me again.

"I have no interest in her," I shake my head and they scoff and mumble things like 'sure' and 'yeah okay'.

"You had to see this chick," Carter groans. "She has these amazing tits, round ass and don't even get me started on her legs. What I'd give to have those legs wrapped around m-"

"Bro calm down," Parker frowns. "Are Mattia and I the only ones who don't talk about women the way you guys do?"

Carter takes out his phone and does something before pulling up a picture that Ilaria had posted on her Instagram an hour ago.

She's at the party with some girl - I think it's the one she mentioned. They're standing side by side and her friend has her arm around Ilaria shoulder.

"Fuck I want her legs wrapped around my-"

"Parker," I warn and he stops, grinning at me. He puts his hands up and surrenders playfully.

I'd be a hypocrite if I said I didn't notice her body like that too.

Don't get me wrong.

Ilaria is fucking sexy. Her long legs, her perky ass and her curves that sends an insane amount of blood to my groin which has to fucking stop, by the way.

Worst part of all, she's Angelo's sister.

I might sound selfish when I say this but I don't fucking care. If I can't have her then neither can they.

"What about her face? Up close?" Marcus asks because the picture isn't clear enough.

"Marcus," Carter dramatically says and grabs onto Marcus' arm. "She's fucking gorgeous. Not to mention her pouty lips- it's the ones you want wrapped around your di-"

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