32. Duo

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Ilaria de Luca

With my legs crossed I sit on my bed, getting ready to call my mother from my computer. Mattia had left my room a little while ago so I took this opportunity to speak to my mother about what had happened earlier today.

The clock in my room shows 10:02pm.

As soon as my mother answers I ask her to skip the worrying questions and just explain everything to me.

I needed to know the truth.

"So it was daddy? He was the man Fernandina was so in love with?" I ask and my mother nods.

"She was never one to quit. We had our share of problems with her for years. Please understand why your father feels nothing but dislike towards her."

"I get it, mamma. I really do but because of what he's done, Mattia had to suffer," I say, feeling my heart rate pick up. "Why does Mattia have to suffer all over again- it's not fair," I bite down onto my teeth, feeling the adrenaline come back.

"I've tried talking to him but he feels as though Mattia is going to hurt you, just like his mother hurt us through the years-"

"He's not his mother!" I irritably say. "What if he judged me for what daddy did to his mother, huh? How shitty would that be? You'd all be singing how he shouldn't blame me for what my father did but now you're all doing the same to him!"

"Please, stop yelling," my mother sighs and I scoff, shaking my head. "I'm sorry, Ilaria. I didn't know that our past would affect your future."

"He's going to hate me," I softly say as tears sting in my eyes. "I'm the reason he had to go through all that," my voice cracks.

"No, he won't," my mother quickly says. "It's not your fault and Mattia will see that. Ilaria, that boy could never hate you. All he sees with you is love."

I slightly frown and my mother nods.

"But love can only carry you so far," she shakes her head. "Your father knows how love can bring the happiest memories but also the most heartbreaking ones. The ones that some never recover from. And he's afraid for you."

"But he has to let me go through these things on my own. I need to experience it," I say, feeling defeated. "So that I can learn and grow, or whatever."

"He knows that... he just doesn't want to let you go," she shrugs his shoulders. "I can tell he's afraid. Afraid to put his daughters heart and safety in the hands of another man."

"Daddy would never admit that," I shake my head.

"He doesn't have to. I've been married to him for more than two decades. I know my husband. I know the man I married like the back of my hand. And when it comes to me, he doesn't always have to speak for me to know what wants, or how he feels."

"You guys are so perfect its gross," I sniff, feeling envious. I want their love too.

My mother smiles, wiping a tear from her cheek. "One day you'll be in the exact same spot as me, while your child calls you gross."

"No way," I nonchalantly scoff. "I'll be a cool mom," I smile.

"Hey!" she defensively says. "I am a cool mom."

"Cool moms don't say that they're cool moms," I shake my head and her expression drops. "Kidding," I smile. "But thank you for telling me the truth. And still being accepting of him even though his mother hurt you too."

"Of course," she nods. "Fernandina is a vile woman. No child should be held responsible for her actions."

"Did you forgive her?" I ask and I can tell my question took her by surprise. "You're always so forgiving, and you love encouraging us to forgive others so that it doesn't weigh heavily on us..." I slowly trail off.

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