43. Our world

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AN!! yes the girl is ilaria, oh my days. i wouldn't dedicate an entire chaper to someone else. this is the real first time they met.

Mattia Cattaneo

[2½ years ago]

Loud voices and soft jazz music played in the bar as I lifted the glass to my lips. A few men laughed here and there.

The atmosphere was calm.

It wasn't one of those bars where men got rough and fought each other, or where you'd go to escape your nagging wife and loud kids. It was one to enjoy with friends on a relaxing evening.

We were all sophisticated.

Most of us, at least.

The air suddenly shifted as a girl - probably around the same age as me - sat down and placed her order.

"Can I get a bourbon?"

The bartender who was mindlessly cleaning a glass lifted his head to look at me and nodded.

"Over here," she snaps her fingers repeatedly and he looks at her in confusion.

"Can I get a smile?" he flaunts a ridiculous grin at her.

"No... but you can get your dick cut off if you don't get me my drink fast enough," she leans over onto the countertop and he leans back.

"Coming right up," he says and leaves.

I can't help but grin as I have another sip of my drink. I can feel her eyes on me but I'd like to see how long she's willing to openly stare at me for.

"You gonna give me your number or what?" the bartender smirks as he comes back with her drink.

"You must be really desperate to get your nose broken, huh?" she asks, turning all her attention to him.

"It'll just turn me on," he winks and she puts her glass down onto the countertop as calmly as she can.

Before he takes his next breath she punches him in his nose and I'm taken by surprise.

"Fuck," he groans and she smiles.

"Turned on yet?" she asks and he frowns, looking at her like she's crazy and rushes away with a bloody nose.

She downs her drink in one go and softly groans before getting up to leave.

"Leaving so soon?" I ask, swirling my drink in my glass without looking at her. "You just got here."

She smiles, standing with her back against the countertop and I hold her stare.

Her eyes were green. The most beautiful green. With hints of brown around the pupils.

And long layers of brown hair perfectly framed her face while the rest laid down her back.

"If you're looking for someone to keep you company, you might want to look somewhere else," she whispers, leaning towards me. "Unless you like the idea of there being a 50/50 chance of me stabbing you."

"Nothing wrong with a little gamble," I whisper back. "Plus, there's a thrill to it."

There was an intense feeling that grew inside of me, telling me she wasn't bluffing. That if this girl had the opportunity, her knife would be tainted with my blood.

"You're a little fucked up, aren't you?" she grins - seeming impressed - as she leans back.

I finish my drink, shrugging my shoulders.

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