7. Versace

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Ilaria de Luca

"Damon is a sarcastic asshole who's clearly interested in his brother's girl. That's breaking the bro code," he shrugs his shoulders.

"Who cares about the bro code!" I yell throwing my arms in the air. "Not only is Damon hot as fuck, he's funny, he's also, like you said, 'a sarcastic asshole'. Can he get any hotter?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest. "No. The answer is no."

"So human pussy likes sarcastic assholes?" he asks in confusion.

Lord help me...

After a solid twenty minutes of explaining to Mattia why Damon is her perfect fit, he finally saw reason and agreed with me. Or he was just sick of me and agreed to shut me up.

Either way, I was satisfied.

We had watched a few episodes and I even got up to make some tacos. After eating we watched a few more before I asked – ordered, same thing – him to get some more snacks since I made something to eat.

"Wow," Mattia breathes as he moves forward on the couch, resting his elbows on his knees. "So you're telling me that their human pussy looks exactly like their old vampire pussy?"

"Yep," I nod. "They're actually doppelgangers."

"Is that why they're in town again and running after the human pu-"

"Elena," I interrupt him.

"Fine. Elena," he says dramatically.

"Well they're both in town for different reasons." I say and he nods. I had to explain to him again why they're here and afterwards he nodded, pressing play himself.


I wake up as someone throws something soft in my face. "No," I whine, turning around and hear a groan. I'm not on my bed...

My eyes shot open and I lifted my head.

I was sleeping on Mattia's lap.

I shot up to find Angelo looking at me with angry and confused eyes.

"Ria what the fuck," he asks and I stare at the TV.

I hear Angelo yelling some more but I had spaced out so I didn't hear a thing.

"Angelo, shut up," Mattia says as his palms rub his eyes. He lifts his head and looks between us.


His raspy morning voice and bed head is so hot. Mattia gets up but Angelo stops him by putting his hand on Mattia's chest.

"She fucking forced me to watch some weird show, that's it," Mattia says before pushing past Angelo and heads upstairs.

"I did not," I frown and Angelo turns to me.

"Explain why the fuck you were sleeping on Mattia."

"If I had an answer, I'd give it to you in a heartbeat but I don't," I yawn getting up. "Mattia and I watched a show, had some snacks and we must have fallen asleep. It's really no big deal."

"Do you want me to remind you what happened the last time you-"

"Shut up Angelo," I say feeling angrier and more annoyed by him. "Nothing happened with Mattia," I shake my head. "And bringing him up would make me far angrier than I already am, so don't you even dare," I say, rushing up to my room.

God, why did Angelo have to bring him up.

I closed my bedroom door and headed over to my bathroom.

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