42. Elysian

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Ilaria de Luca


Mattia felt like it.

My paradise. My heaven. He was, my euphoria.

Until he wasn't.

And I realized that sometimes what's best for you can also hurt you in ways you've never experienced before. In ways that you won't see until you've stepped back for a little while.

No matter how strong your conscience denial is, your heart knows the truth.

Reality snaked around my heart and squeezed it until it ached for days - dreading this moment.

The moment he stepped back.

"You'll wait for me?" he asks and I can hear the dreadful sound of each word, sadness slipping in to soothe the ache in my heart. I watch tears glisten in his eyes and I quickly reach up to take his face in my hands.

"Of course," I say, feeling a tear trickle down my cheek.

"You have to wait for me, please," he lifts his hands, placing them on top of mine as he rests his forehead against mine.

"I'll wait for you, Mattia, I swear," I assure him and his grip on my hands tighten. "You'll be fine," I say, quickly wiping my tears but they don't stop falling. "We'll be fine," I nod, assuring him.

He takes my face in his hands, wiping my tears.

He leans in, softly kissing my lips and I take in this moment - savoring every second of it. The tenderness of his hands, the warmth of his lips and the sincerity when he breaks the kiss to look down at me.

"I love you, okay?" I bite down onto my quivering bottom lip. "And I'm going to love you everyday for as long as you're in there," I take his hands in mine. "And when you come out I'll love you even more because you were so strong," I sadly chuckle and he smiles but its different. It's only visible in his eyes.

He kisses my knuckles and the huge front door opens.

I turn my head, seeing Marisol stare at me with two guards on either side of her. She smiles, giving me a reassuring nod and I shift my attention back to Mattia.

"I'll miss you," I humorously say. "I actually miss you already," I sadly smile.

"Using my own words against me?" he shows me a fragile smile.

He's been saying that for the past three weeks whenever I had to leave him.

A week after the incident happened with his mother, he sat me down and told me that he was ready to leave me for a little while. To get help. The thought instantly brought tears to my eyes.

It felt too soon to have him ripped from my arms. But I knew there was no such thing as too soon to get help. It's what was best for him and I'd never get in the way of that.

I was proud of him.

He held me in his arms that night and didn't let go.

Now I was watching the love of my life fight the urge to turn back. To not look back at me.

Marisol made it clear to both of us that we wouldn't be able to see each other for as long as he was with them.

I was too afraid to ask about the duration of his stay but because I knew he'll be more cooperative than I was, it won't be too long.

I felt my mothers fingers entwine with mine as she gave my hand a little squeeze.

It comforted me. But it wasn't enough.

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