38. Midnight lust

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Ilaria de Luca

After carrying me to the bathroom he sat me down next to the sink and cleaned between my legs. He immediately held onto my thighs as he kissed me, not letting me go.

We had been making out for I don't even know how long before leaving the room.

He held my hand as we walked downstairs, letting his hand casually brush my thigh or ass when he had to walk behind me.

"Now I'm naked underneath this dress!" I softly reprimand him as we get to the kitchen for a drink. "Like naked, naked."

He chuckles, hugging me from behind and I shake my head at him.

"Let's just go home. I want you naked, naked on my bed," he says, kissing my neck and I feel my face heat up with a shy smile.

Naomi had her hair up in a loose ponytail as she downed an entire glass of what was the same color as apple juice.

She lowered the glass and breathed heavily, trying to catch her breath.

"I don't want to know," I say as she leans her ass back against the counter top.

"Now I understand why your mom has four children," she nods her head, swallowing hard and I cringe at the thought. "I think your dad just got ten times hotter."

"Please don't paint that picture for me," I thrill and Mattia chuckles, handing me a drink I hadn't even noticed he'd left to get. "I'd like to stay oblivious of my brother and father's sex life."

I could barely get that entire sentence out without my skin crawling.

"He just kept going," she breathlessly says and I immediately slam my hands over my ears while she talks to Mattia.

I look back at him in confusion and he's actually listening to her rant about having sex with Angelo. He says something now and then and I shake my head at the two of them.

After their conversation was finally over, Mattia and I couldn't get out of there sooner. We greeted everyone and hopped into his car to head home.

He wouldn't stop teasing me on the ride home as he stuck his hand down the front of my dress, underneath my dress, or between my legs.

It wasn't midnight yet so there weren't as much cars on the roads we drove on.

"Can you stop," I laugh as he sticks his hand down the front of my dress, holding my tits in his hand.

He gives it a little squeeze and I sigh, shaking my head at him.

"You can't drive like this," I say, trying to pull his arm out but he hits my hand away.

"Of course I can," he grins, leaning in to kiss me before the light turns green.

"You're going to kill us," I say, shooting him a glare.

"You have very little trust me. And we need to work on it," he almost offensively says and I scoff.

"Just get me home in one piece," I roll my eyes and he licks his bottom lip, looking down my dress. "And eyes on the road," I demand, flicking the back of his head.

A smirk grows on his face as he turns his head towards the road.

As soon as we arrived home and got out of the car, he threw me over his shoulder and carried me inside.

After stepping out of the elevator he slid his hand up the back of my bare thigh and I yelped at the coldness, trying to grab his hand.

He squeezed my thigh and I softly laughed, feeling his lips on the side of my thigh. He gently bit into it and I let out a quick gasp.

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