4. Delinquent

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Ilaria de Luca

"Don't worry I'll give you a head start before I call the police," I nod my head towards the door.

"If anyone is calling the police, it should be me since there's a half naked girl parading in my kitchen."

"I am not... parading in your kitchen," I scoff. "I live here now."

"Wrong house, sweet thing," he shakes his head. His voice was thick and laced with annoyance.

"No, I'm pretty sure this is the place," I slowly nod, hoping he'd understand and leave.

He slowly approaches me and I scrunch my brows together.

"I've lived here for four years," he slightly turns his head to the side. He looks me up and down and I look around in confusion.

When I look back at him his eyes travel along my hair. "Blond?" he softly says.

It's as though he was thinking out loud.

"Congratulations. You know your colors," I sarcastically say and his eyes meet mine.

"Why blond?" he asks and I shrug my shoulders.

"The brown reminded me of someone but I didn't know who. The memory felt awful yet consuming so I decided to get rid of it, why?" I scoff as he listens intently.

His jaw ticks for a second and I feel my heart rate picking up.

"You're in my way. Move."


"And you're in my house. Get out," I irritably say. "You can't live here, because Angelo lives here."

If our eyes were guns and our glares were bullets, I'd have more holes in my body than the swiss cheese my mom's always buying.

"Just because you fuck Angelo, doesn't mean you live here."

"Ew. Why would I, do that, with Angelo?" I frown in confusion. "Do you sleep with your brother?"

He slightly tilts his head in confusion and I swallow hard, feeling intimidated by his figure. "You're Angelo's sister?"

"Yeah. Isn't it obvious?" I obliviously say.


I scoff, shaking my head at him. I open my mouth to speak but the front door opens and closes.

"Hey, Ria! I forgot to tell yo-" Angelo cuts himself off and the stranger and I snap our heads towards him. "What's going on here?" he asks, approaching us. "And for gods sake, why are you naked?" he scrunches his face up, practically whining. "Go get dressed. Now," he demands and I cross my arms over my chest.

"So you fail to mention that another guy lives here and then you march in, barking out orders?" I scoff.

"Ilaria, go. Get. Dressed," he warns and I put my arms out to the side.

"Explain yourself, or I'll drop this towel. You know I will," I narrow my eyes at him and he rushes between the stranger and I, causing him to step back.

The stranger leans against the island, a smirk growing on his face as he looks at me.

He's oddly attractive.


"Stay away from my sister," he demands before turning around to face me. He grabs my shoulders, turning me around and starts pushing me towards the stairs and up to my room.

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