21. Drinks

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Ilaria de Luca

Two weeks later and it was the night of Naomi's birthday. She didn't want anyone making a big deal out of it so were just going to grab a few drinks.

We'd already seen her earlier to wish her happy birthday and give her gifts.

"Cute, right?" I ask Marcus – showing him my outfit – as he opens my drawer.

He grabs a pair of my panties and lifts it up to me.

"These are surprisingly easy to rip off," he smiles and I snatch it from him.

"Stop touching everything!" I groan, using my hip to bump him to the side.

"Woah," he smiles. "You look fucking hot," he nods approvingly and takes a step back to look at me.

"I'm not going for hot," I say and he crosses his arms over his chest.

He walks over, pulling my hair forward and over my shoulders.

He holds the one side up for curly, and pulls the other side straight.

"Ow," I groan and he reprimands me to stay still.

"Curly," he nods. "The curls make you look less hot and more eh," he says, letting go.

"Well I don't want to look eh either," I slightly scrunch my brows together.

"No, it's a good eh," he nods assuringly and with a deep breath in I come to the conclusion to just give up and start with my hair.

Here's the thing... If I had been getting ready on my own, I would've been done in an hour and a half or so. But with Marcus touching everything, asking questions and getting in my way, I finished after three hours.

How that's possible?

I really don't fucking know.

"Let's go, Ilaria!" Marcus calls out from my doorway as I rummage around in my bathroom. "You're making us late," he says and I can hear him roll his eyes.

"I'm making us late!" I yell in disbelief, grabbing my purse as I head out.

"Yes, now come," he puts his hand on the back of my head, forcing me out the door. "Let's go. No time for arguing," he quickly rushes through and I bite down on my teeth.

I scowl at him and he chuckles as we get to the stairs.

"Love you," he sings – holding a ridiculous smile on his face – and I groan, rolling my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, come on," I drag him out the door and into the car.

"Well say it back," he says as we both close the car doors.

"Let's go, Marcus," I irritably say, fastening my seat belt.

"Nuh uh, not until you say it back," he crosses his arms over his chest, attempting a serious face.

"I feel something alright, and it's not love," I say through my teeth and he gasps.

"You're so mean," he softly says, shaking his head.

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