33. Car keys

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Mattia Cattaneo

"Last one," Ilaria breathlessly says, handing me a box and I can't help but shoot her a knowing look.

I've heard her say that a couple of times.

Personally, I find the smile she shows me thereafter adorable.

"This is the third last one," I say, turning to walk to my car and she follows alongside me.

"I'm actually serious this time," she smiles – melting my stupid heart – as I put the box into the trunk before Marcus closes it.

"I'd hope so," I tease, kissing her forehead and she turns to face Naomi who's a mess and can't even for a second keep her tears back.

"No... Naomi!" Ilaria sighs, rushing towards Naomi with her arms wide open. I watch as Ilaria tightly wraps her arms around her and Marcus stops next to me.

He starts sniffing and wiping nonexistent tears.

I turn to him in confusion and he opens his arms. "Bring it in," he softly says.

"I'm not hugging you," I say to him and he drops his arms and facial expression.

"Oh come on. Men can cry and comfort other men. Let's break the stereotype," he insists and I ignore him, walking over to Ilaria.

"Just say you want a hug from me," I say and he gasps.

"I do not," he defensively says and I can't help but grin as I slide my hands into my pants' pockets. "Well Ilaria makes it seem as though its the best thing in the world so I guess I do. It looks nice. And how come I've never seen you care to actually hug anyone before her?" he asks and I could almost smack some sense into him.

Why the fuck would I want to hug anyone else.

As we get to the two of them, they break the hug and Naomi looks between Ilaria and I.

"Angelo's in the kitchen," she nods her head to the house. "Hasn't said a word, so good luck," she sighs.

Ilaria and I head inside and I watch as she nervously rubs the side of her left arm.

"Angelo?" she softly says and he doesn't look up from his computer.

I feel my jaw clench as she stands there, practically begging for his attention but he simply carries on with what he's doing and doesn't pay her any mind.

After not getting any response from him, she walks over and hugs him from the side – even though he doesn't acknowledge her – and kisses the side of his head.

"As your big sister I won't be mad when you decide to talk to me again," she says and he finally looks at her. "And as Naomi's friend I will have no choice but to kick your ass when she complains about you," she smiles, ruffling his hair and he ducks his head away from her.

I watch the contradiction on his face as he continues to pay attention to his computer – instead of her.

He's begging for me to hit him, isn't he?

He definitely is.

"Come on," she says, tugging the bottom of my shirt.

"Go spend some more time with Naomi before she has another breakdown. I'll wait," I say and her face lights up.

"Really?" she smiles and I nod.

She leans up to kiss my cheek before rushing out. I hear her laughter as well as Naomi's as I walk over to Angelo, grabbing him by his arm.

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