15. Breakfast

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Ilaria de Luca

"Oh my God!"

I groaned, scrunching up my brows. I recognized Naomi's voice and shifted on my bed but I wasn't laying on my bed. I was laying on top of... Marcus?

I lifted my head and realized I was literally, laying on top of him. He had one arm around my waist and the other was resting behind his head.

My legs were between his and my head on his very muscular chest.

My eyes shot to Naomi in the doorway but she stepped inside. She tried shutting the door but she was stopped. I jumped up and sat down next to a passed out Marcus.

"What's going on?" I hear Angelo ask and Naomi shakes her head. "Is everything okay?"

"Yes. Everything's okay." There was a slight pause until Angelo tried opening the door. "No! Um, Ilaria is naked!" she yells and the struggling stops.

"Okay?" Angelo says in a soft tone and Naomi closes the door.

I hear Angelo's footsteps disappear and Naomi turns to me with wide eyes.

"Holy fucking shit," she curses. "I thought we were team Mattia but..." she slowly trails off as she locks the door and sits down on the sofa, crossing her arms over her chest. "Go on. Explain," she smiles, looking at me in disbelief.

"There's nothing to explain," I shake my head. "After I got up in the middle of the night he followed me to make sure I was okay. He could barely stand so I'm guessing he just plopped himself down during our talk or something."

"Great. How long did it take you to come up with that?" she asks.

"I'm not lying, Naomi. I'm serious. Nothing happened last night."

"Hm-mm," she hummed with a little pout.

Marcus groaned, turning towards me and threw his arm over my thighs.

"Hey. Sleeping beauty," I flick his forehead. "Wake up. You're not helping the situation."

He grabbed my hand and held it in his arms, cuddling with my arm.

I blew out a heavy breath, which moved a strand of hair out of my face.

I pulled the covers off of both of us and lifted my t-shirt.

"I'm still wearing my swimsuit and he's still in swim shorts. Wouldn't we both be naked? Or at least out of these?"

She narrows her eyes and lets out a breath of relief. "Fair enough," she shrugs her shoulders.

I thrilled, looking down at myself.

"I can't believe I fell asleep in this. And that Marcus is in bed with me," I say getting up.

"You weren't complaining when you got comfortable on top of me," he groans, turning onto his back.

"Get out of my bed you pervert," I chuckle, throwing my t-shirt at him and he catches it.

"Pervert? Well now I'm very concerned about who you let in your bed little missy," he shakes his head and sits up.

I scowl at him and he laughs.

"I didn't let you," I roll my eyes. "You let yourself," I say turning to face him. "Now get out so that I can wash up," I yawn, stretching my arms up and over my head.

"Yes ma'am," he smiles and gets up. "Good morning, Naomi," he smiles at her and she winks in response.

Naomi looks at me with her arms crossed over her chest and I quickly turn towards my vanity mirror to tie up my hair.

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