16. Sharing

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Ilaria de Luca

"But Daddy!" I groan. "She's making me mad," I seethe through my teeth as I round the corner of a building.

"Sweetheart, you shouldn't kill everyone that makes you mad," he says and – even though I'm heavily breathing – a small smile tugs at my lips.

"I see what you did there," I breathe, my forehead glistening with sweat under the night sky.

"What exactly did I do there, Ilaria?" he humorously asks and I stop running as I use the building to rest my back against.

"You said I shouldn't. Not I can't. Which means that I can. You just wouldn't advise it," I say and I can hear his laugh from the other end.

"Smart-ass," he sighs.

"Mamma said I get that from you, just by the way," I chuckle. "But anyway," I drag out the vowels, catching my breath.

"How bad is it?" he asks and with a deep breath in I slowly jog up to the traffic light before crossing the road and speeding ahead again.

"Well..." I slowly trail off, observing my surroundings. "On a scale of 1 - 10, I'd say... gut her from the inside out," I grin and there's a slight pause on his end.

"I'm way too tired to clean up the mess tonight," he heavily sighs. "Instead, does tomorrow work for you? 11am?"

A little snort escapes as I adjust the AirPod in my ear.

"Don't forget your gloves," I humorously tease.

"Hey!" he quickly snaps back. "I'm the expert here."

"How's Mamma?" I ask and he sighs.

"She's... good," he hesitantly says and I wait for him to continue. "She's forcing your uncle Cesar to practice yoga with her as we speak. Said he, 'Lacks flexibility in his life'," my dad half laughs and I slow down, a smile growing.

I love hearing my dad laugh. Or just how happy he is in general. I know he and Mamma went through a lot so hearing them be happy and in love makes me less sad, and angry.

"I'm surprised she isn't forcing you," I tease and he scoffs.

"Oh no," he softly says. "She just spotted me. Now she's curling her finger towards me. Now she's getting up and grabbing another mat."

That was the one thing that pushed me over the edge, sending me into a fit of laughter.

I immediately stopped running, placing both hands on my knees as laughter erupted from my core.

"Do you need me to get over there- Please tell me you need my help," he almost pleads and even though he can't see me I still shake my head.

I gasp for air, trying to speak as my core tightens.

"Have fun," I laugh before stumbling towards the wall as I continue in a laughing fit. "Don't break anything."

"She's walking towards me," he almost whispers.

"You dare hide from me, Antonio de Luca?" I hear my mother's voice as I stand up straight, wiping a tear that had fallen.

"Of course not," my father clears his throat and I press my AirPod into my ear a little more.

"Daddy, you know that you can say no, right?" I almost laugh as I take my phone out and he scoffs.

"Say no to your mother?" he whispers. "If I die, who would you call to what... 'gossip'? I think your mother calls it."

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